Joe Biden Just Called a Woman at One of His Events a “Lying, Dog-Faced Pony Soldier.” What?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The Gaffer is at it again ... you can't make this shit up! there goes New Hamster! let's see what stupid remark he makes in South Carolina!

Joe Biden Just Called a Woman at One of His Events a “Lying, Dog-Faced Pony Soldier.” What?

At a campaign event in Hampton, New Hampshire, on Sunday, presidential candidate Joe Biden jokingly referred to a young woman who asked him a question as a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier,” according to the Washington Post. There’s video of the incident, which began when 21-year-old student Madison Moore asked Biden to explain his poor showing in the Iowa caucuses:
Biden tackles a ‘mean question’ about electability after Iowa.

— Cleve R. Wootson Jr. (@CleveWootson) February 9, 2020
Later, Biden’s spokespeople said the line was taken from a scene in a John Wayne movie in which a Native American chief refers to Wayne as a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier.” Biden has used the phrase, and attributed it to a John Wayne movie, in the past; at a 2018 campaign event for Heidi Heitkamp, Biden said the following about Heitkamp’s opponent Kevin Cramer:
As my brother who loves to use lines from movies, from John Wayne movies, there’s a line in a movie, a John Wayne movie where an Indian chief turns to John Wayne and says, “This is a lying, dog-faced pony soldier.”

There’s video of that, too:

By far, the most common question raised by Biden’s use of the phrase in New Hampshire has been, “What the hell is Joe Biden thinking calling a young woman ‘dog-faced’?” But running a close second is “Is there really a movie in which someone calls John Wayne a ‘lying, dog-faced pony soldier’?” The answer is a resounding “Maybe”: Wayne appeared in 180 movies over 50 years, and who knows what they called him in all of them? But it seems at least as likely that Biden is thinking of a different film: Pony Soldier, a 1952 western from director Joseph M. Newman starring Tyrone Power as a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. “Pony Soldier,” in the context of the film, is a Native American nickname for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and although no one calls Power a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier,” a chief does say, “The pony soldier speaks with a tongue of the snake that rattles,” which isn’t far off:

Is that the scene—filtered through Joe Biden’s memory of his brother’s memory of an old Western—that inspired Joe Biden to call a young woman at one of his events a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier” nearly 70 years later? We may never know, but one thing is certain: For Democrats who want to nominate a presidential candidate with a vast library of half-remembered old Westerns floating around in their brains, there’s only one choice
HoeHummer's Avatar
But did he grabs her by the pussys?

Did he fuck his daughter?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
But did he grabs her by the pussys?

Did he fuck his daughter? Originally Posted by HoeHummer

While a lot of leeway is given in the political forum, these rules exist in every thread on the site:

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Discuss the subject but knock off the name calling and personal insults to each other.
Originally Posted by CryptKicker
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
But did he grabs her by the pussys?

Did he fuck his daughter? Originally Posted by HoeHummer

your favorite yous louse is having a melt down...

oink oink!!!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
In Biden's defense, he is 77 years old and not lucid. Trump is 73 years old and not lucid as well. It is what it is. That's why you shouldn't have old as fuck presidents. The lucidity rapidly wanes as they become older for most when they hit 70 and above. That's just life and reality.

And for the many who want to call bullshit on me, please show me one single legitimate medical research article that proves otherwise about how ones cognitive ability works in your 70's to go against my aforementioned paragraph above. Do you think it increases or sure as fuck decreases every day in your 70's? LOL
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Proof that zombies have empty minds.
Almost as bad as Sanders.
Amy is looking better everyday and she knows how to play the game.
To bad she doesn't have a chance.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-10-2020, 04:11 AM
In Biden's defense, he is 77 years old and not lucid. Trump is 73 years old and not lucid as well. It is what it is. That's why you shouldn't have old as fuck presidents. The lucidity rapidly wanes as they become older for most when they hit 70 and above. That's just life and reality.
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

There is a reason you do not have 77 and 73 year old pilot's flying commercial airliners.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
There is a reason you do not have 77 and 73 year old pilot's flying commercial airliners. Originally Posted by WTF
Good point. Why the fuck are they trying to be in charge of the best country in the world at that old ass age? It's kind of silly to me. It's not like they don't have enough money already (and yeah I already know, it is all about the power, ego and benefits); but at that old ass age; aren't you already cool in life?
The Gaffer is at it again ..... We may never know, but one thing is certain: For Democrats who want to nominate a presidential candidate with a vast library of half-remembered old Westerns floating around in their brains, there’s only one choice Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I think he's using the Reagan approach.
I think he's using the Reagan approach. Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
President Regan was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s during his last year as President. I’m not sure Biden is there yet.

President Trump shows none of this. He is still Trump.

I am 73, I still run my business as affectingly as I did at 53. But that being said, you cannot defeat age and it’s affect on your bod and your mind.

But I agree. We need some younger candidates. Not candidates like AOC, but candidates that know something about how the world works.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
President Regan was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s during his last year as President. I’m not sure Biden is there yet.

President Trump shows none of this. He is still Trump.

I am 73, I still run my business as affectingly as I did at 53. But that being said, you cannot defeat age and it’s affect on your bod and your mind.

But I agree. We need some younger candidates. Not candidates like AOC, but candidates that know something about how the world works. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I appreciate your post. I just wanted to commend you for your accomplishments and I hope you live to be over a 100!

Great post, sir! I mean that.

Edit: I didn't mean to offend you regarding ageism. I didn't mean it like that and please you or anyone else don't take it like that. I was just referring to being POTUS.
It is what it is. That's why you shouldn't have old as fuck presidents. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Well, I'm doing better and have more confidence in the country as a whole under a 70+ year old POTUS than I did under a late 40 to mid 50ish POTUS with a socialist bent whose mantra was lead from behind.

Just sayin'

But it certainly does depend on the individual. Biden is definitely showing signs of age degeneration. Hillary and Pelosi as well. Sanders and Warren not so much, but they just show signs of being degenerates.
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Two months ago BEFORE THE FAILED IMPEACHMENT Biden was either leading or second in every national and state poll of Democratic candidates. Now, he's about to be dropped.

But no media outlet is pointing this out. He was propped up by the Democrats simply to provide a reason for impeachment. If he was not a viable candidate, which he never has been in the past, there's no reason to charge President Trump with "using a foreign power to influence an election." It's a nonstarter. Imagine trying to get the country excited about "using a foreign power to get Andrew Yang." Nobody gives a fuck about Yang.

Biden will be gone soon. The Dims will blame "lack of money" but the answer is Quid Pro Joe outlived his usefulness.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Sanders and Warren not so much, but they just show signs of being degenerate Originally Posted by eccielover
I don't show my political hand when I post in here, but Bernie Sanders is a fucking nut job. I get that he wants to separate himself from the pack but his claims about what he will do are fucking silly and not even economically feasible... it reminds me of when some dipshit ran for president of my school when I was in 8th grade and promised free sodas to everyone every single day. I don't think that fucker received a single vote because everyone knew he was full of shit.