men being lazy

  • gin
  • 10-22-2011, 07:51 AM
what is it with men on the site just being plain lazy? they only ready a review then send you pms or txt you sayin can we meet up and they refuse to look at your showcase and see what is required to see you. like needing reviews or a p411 account and then they act like an ass because you have told them this
Hell i have had a guy call me a dumbass and a retard becasue i require reviews and such for screening
is it me or is it all of us girls this is happening to and its becoming really frequent
Bobster36's Avatar
We are no less lazy than the woman that pound out bitchy posts using their smartphones without bothering to care about grammar, punctuation or spelling. Both species of humans have plenty of asshat members.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Men that refuse to get a P411 account or obtain references are not just being lazy, they are being bright RED FLAGS for you to avoid and ignore.
They are the dumbasses and retards for even expecting you to meet a complete stranger with no references other than a handle on here.
They could be anyone....a psycho, a member of LE or a criminal.
Let it roll off your back like water on a duck.
PM sent!
Lana Warren's Avatar
No reason to be frustrated. Just politely direct them to the appropriate websites. Problem solved.

As I always say........You get what you put out.
I always tell them to check bp out it always gets the point across quick.
I do tha same!!!!
Papacorn's Avatar
Cute pic....did you say something?

We are an ADD gender, with a broad menu of things to look at here.
No excuse offered, as there is none, but agree with some of the other ladies to find a way to direct them to focus properly!
Most PEOPLE are dumbasses. Most people think the rules don't apply to them, they are more special than others, and folks owe them something. This is NOT gender specific. You, my sweet Gin, just happen to be on one side of the issue, unclouded by what goes on from the hobbyists perspective.

It's a business. You gotta show your drivers license when cashing a check. Rules apply. Send them to the back of the line and get on with good customers.
what is it with men on the site just being plain lazy? they only ready a review then send you pms or txt you sayin can we meet up and they refuse to look at your showcase and see what is required to see you. like needing reviews or a p411 account and then they act like an ass because you have told them this
Hell i have had a guy call me a dumbass and a retard becasue i require reviews and such for screening
is it me or is it all of us girls this is happening to and its becoming really frequent Originally Posted by gin

Gin, you may not understand the purpose of casual communication. Showcase and pictures only tell me so much about you. I can quickly decide whether I want to see a girl after some short conversation.

For example, I PMd you in chat one day after you mentioned you had a special in public. I PMd you asking what the special was. You simply told me to look at your showcase. Alright - short and abrupt. I took that to mean that you were too lazy to engage me in conversation and I reasoned that if you didn't have time for me before the sale, then I would see the same abruptness during our session and I decided against seeing you.

I could have clicked on your showcase - and I actually did before I PMd you.

Let me ask you this - why are you in chat so often if attracting business is as simple as posting your showcase and waiting for the calls to pour in?

Now let me look at some other girls who I have approached in chat. They were flirtatious, in good spirits, and not too busy to engage in some conversation to see if we are compatible.

Getting dates from chat is not simply posting picture after picture of yourself in the shower 24/7. I look at the chat room as a chance for me to get to know a girl somewhat before scheduling.

I know you ladies would like to
post ad---> receive call---> set appointment ---> collect money

Well, for many of us guys it does not work that way. While you may consider me a time-waster because I'm not a fast-food escort customer, there are many girls whose business depends on spending 5 minutes with a potential client and then moving on from there.

If you don't have 5 minutes for me to get to know you, then I don't have $200 for you.
Monte cito...good point...I must appluad to you from the otherside
What truthful view...great work! I was stuck in the mindframe of men
Men being difficult but it makes sence that you just want to get a better
Idea of the expirience you will be paying for...I will keep this in mind.