energy drinks

VitaMan's Avatar
What is the opinion of the best energy drinks ? I was having ups and downs in my energy level during the day. i started drinking a can a day of the Monster Green energy drink, it seems to help a lot with that. plus it has seemed to give a more positive mood, too.
chicagoboy's Avatar
I can't wait for Houston65's reply to this query.
Stay away from those big ass cans and just use a 5 Hour Energy Shot.
The real one though and not the fakes.

You could also get on a daily regimen of taking ginseng pills.
mrhunt's Avatar
My son went to the Dentist and had several cavities. The Dentist told him it was caused from drinking energy drinks. Those things contain a ton of sugar. Something that will boost your energy level and put you in a better mood is B 12
JohnnyFarangly's Avatar
You can get diet versions of most of the drinks
nightdiver's Avatar
Try exercise, adequate rest and a proper diet instead. Unlike myself.
VitaMan's Avatar
The way for marketing the energy drinks seems to be to paint up a vehicle, get a
couple of girls, and hand out free drinks. I've seen the Red Bull mini-cooper with
the big can on top, the Monster truck, and the Amp wagon. The paint jobs are amazing. The zero sugar lemonade Amp drink was good tasting, and only 10 calories.
Stay away from those big ass cans and just use a 5 Hour Energy Shot.
The real one though and not the fakes.

You could also get on a daily regimen of taking ginseng pills. Originally Posted by Jaynuts
+1 on the 5 Hour Energy Shots.
I would suggest that anyone considering taking a herbal supplement for anything consult their doctor first. I took ginko biloba when I was in college while I was on another medication, and it made me pass out. Like for some hours... very scary.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I tried one of those 5 hour energy drinks and felt alright for a few hours.

However, later that night, I became seriously woozy and felt my sense of balance slipping away in the middle of the night.

I didn't really drink anything else that night except for extra B-12 vitamins and a small shot of liqueur, but the episode really freaked me out.

It took nearly a day to regain my sense of balance again.

I swore then that I'm
not going near those damn energy drinks again!
Did you take any other medication, caffeine products, or supplements (dietary, exercise, etc.) before or after you took it?
ratboy jam's Avatar
I tried one of those 5 hour energy drinks and felt alright for a few hours.
However, later that night, I became seriously woozy and felt my sense of balance slipping away in the middle of the night.
I didn't really drink anything else that night except for extra B-12 vitamins and a small shot of liqueur, but the episode really freaked me out.
It took nearly a day to regain my sense of balance again. I swore then that I'm not going near those damn energy drinks again! Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I did one of those FRIGGIN energy drinks AND one of those "enhancers" drinks from Cyndi's. I was going to see Ava and RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the session, I statred to get flushed, palpitations and weird feelings. FROM THE DRINKS!!
EVERYTIME I had sessioned with her WAS JUST THAT WAY, BUTthis time it was NOT from her In-F*cking-credable session but the crap I took. We had to stop and cut the session WAY short. That was the last time I have seen her and after the EMBARRASSMENT not since. Also maybe cuz I'm VERY short of funds to visit again.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Did you take any other medication, caffeine products, or supplements (dietary, exercise, etc.) before or after you took it? Originally Posted by luxury daphne
I scoured my memory to determine if I had taken anything else besides the 5 hour energy drink that night and the only different thing I took was some extra B 12 tablets.

It was actually very traumatic to get up in the middle of the night and discover that your sense of balance that was perfect yesterday is virtually gone now.
I've never felt that way before.

I was concerned enough to ask my doctor about the episode, but he didn't think the B12 vitamins had anything to do with it.

The liqueur that I took was quite mild and I only took a jigger so I have to conclude that the 5 hour energy drink was not compatible with my system and it really did a number on me, but it took a few hours to hit me.

It took me most of the next day to get the toxin out of my system and I swore never to touch the stuff again!
Lincolnpark's Avatar
I take those 5 hour drinks, and they work wonders. Never any problems !

Do the B-12's help ?
DarthMaul's Avatar
Stay away from those big ass cans and just use a 5 Hour Energy Shot.
The real one though and not the fakes. Originally Posted by Jaynuts
I agree...The energy shots are better and don't bloat you. Especially if you are going in for a session.

I take something "DAILY" with my "One-A-Day" type vitamin.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I really cannot testify that the B12 vitamins made me feel any better.

However, my doctor suggested that I take a B12 shot instead.

Some people report that they feel great after a B12 shot, but I suppose it has to do with your particular chemical makeup and what your system might be lacking.