creepy is right...

SweetElizabeth's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
Those texting alerts would be distracting?
ManInNeed's Avatar
that is weird....time to switch to At&T...
I finally clicked on the link. That is a little too creepy for me. It's like big brother is watching and big brother is a voyeur!
I certainly hope that inventing a device is a far cry from being able to market it and put it in people's homes to blatantly invade their privacy.
I would be worried that if it heard me having sex instead of dialing up a condom ad it would bring up a cheesy make your boner bigger ad
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
You could not believe what my ads would be!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pyramider's Avatar
I work outside the office. Several years ago my company gave us TomToms. Well they loaded a bunch of stuff in them, client addresses and such. I used mine once, then it shorted out. Apparently there were password protected menus within the unit that become visible after the unit shorted and the unit went back to default. I found a locator function, a function where they could track my movement without my knowledge. The unit is now a paperweight in my home office.