New Years Resolutions.

AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
Anyone care to share what's on the agenda for self improvement?
Here's a few of mine...
New Pics on My Showcase.
Invest for the future.
Work on the boat (new generator, install hot water heater, paint, polish, ect...).
Occasional trips to other NY areas.
The list is endless lol!
Foxhunterx's Avatar
Come to Buffalo
offshoredrilling's Avatar
quit chain smokin(never will happen)
quit helping the drama along so other get pointed( errr ditto)
exercise more(mmmm I need more frequent flier miles errr so ditto)
at least be a better client( why bother taint no more will put up with me anyways)
stop tickling her feet when she be OOOOO'ing(na, way to much fun)
lower my average post count(nope, got to keep the drama going LOL)
errrrr stop being a spoiled brat with providers(heh, now just kidding self)

nope, I can't think of a thing errrrrrrrr wait
remember if AB comes to ROC to buy a gift of something with Vodka & Cream(she better remind me or all is lost LOL)

well ok maybe one thing with some luck and a cattle prong errr set to HIGH
Personal - Keep exercising daily and eating healthy

Work - Better organized....need to improve here

Other Personal - I'll keep that to myself.....
To finally meet Albany Blonde.
Be fruitloop in a bowl of cherrios

No seriously, loose 30 pounds.

Enjoy life to its fullest.

Meet a new provider every month.

Looking forward to AB's new pics.
pyramider's Avatar
Get more taint.

Tickle more taint.

Make more taint tingle.

Make more taint slippery.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Push myself to practice more and get more fluid with wood burning designs and detailing.
Switch from the half hour zumba classes to the hour long ones twice a week.
Keep chipping away at my student loans and stay on track for retirement.
Cut back to only one venti skinny vanilla latte a day.
Stay on top of my laundry!
pyramider's Avatar
The ladies really should have a resolution to post more taint.

Laundry? Who does laundry? Washing bed linens is for suckers ... just go to Wallyworld and get some of some those disposable table cloths. Washing your panties is a waste ... put the dirty ones up for auction on naughtbids and ebanned.
where is this such site you call naughty bids?
AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
How much can I get for my panties?!
I asked him about the site but he doesnt give it up

hes a taint monger and a panty hogger
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 12-24-2012, 03:28 PM
I've kept A new years resolution from many years ago !!

I vowed to never make another resolution !!

And I haven't !!
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 12-24-2012, 03:30 PM
Pick a Great pair !

Post a picture and somebody will start the bidding !!