Back to Rio, let the fun begin-Again!

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Took J and his family out for what turned out to be a 3 day cruse. We visited 2 small islands with almost nobody living in them west south west of Sao Paulo and enjoyed BBQ on the beach, fixed by the old fart. I do love charcoal BBQ and did some baby back ribs that were delicious, my chef even complimented them and I didn't have to pay her to say that! LOL

Back moored in the harbor and my Brother, sister in law and nephew have joined us again. We will start a fairly long and probably rough sail to Aruba in a few days. My nephew will fly back shortly as he has to go back to work-UCK! I did enjoy having him along on this trip.

I did have a fantastic time with 2 girls on the 10th and tried to do a review but once again I was interrupted so many times that the system timed out on me and I lost the whole thing. Just say OMG what a great time! I plan to have 5 more trysts in RIO before we head out for what will probably be a 10 day cruse against the wind and current. I doubt that I will do reviews as I am repeating with 3 girls and hopefully 2 new ones-just depends on how much time I have to spend with family.