President's Doc Calls Obama "The Amateur"

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sounds like an interesting read. Seems to paint a pretty unfeeling portrait of President Obama.

It's simple. He is not up to the job.
guess it doesn't matter if you are a lib or not,if you are a former there is room for venom.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The facts are that this country seriously needs affordable health care, regardless of what some doctor who only wants to sell his book says.

Everyone in this country should have the kind of health care that every member of congress has. Other advanced countries provide universal health care, but not the US.

The cost of health care has gone through the roof and pushed many people off the cliff when a major illness hits.

President Obama pushed through health care and overcame many devious obstacles because there are many entrenched institutions that benefit from extracting such exorbitant charges from the patients.

Now the Supreme Court is meddling into the issue in the same way they meddled into the Bush-Gore election.

That decision was certainly one hell of a disaster!

. . . I don't understand why so many people are opposed to universal health care other than because they just repeat other people's words.

Amateur is a compliment. Newbie without a clue is more like it. Or "Fast Gunn."
Not supprised. I want to get that book.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
The facts are that this country seriously needs affordable health care, regardless of what some doctor who only wants to sell his book says.

Everyone in this country should have the kind of health care that every member of congress has. Other advanced countries provide universal health care, but not the US.

The cost of health care has gone through the roof and pushed many people off the cliff when a major illness hits.

President Obama pushed through health care and overcame many devious obstacles because there are many entrenched institutions that benefit from extracting such exorbitant charges from the patients.

Now the Supreme Court is meddling into the issue in the same way they meddled into the Bush-Gore election.

That decision was certainly one hell of a disaster!

. . . I don't understand why so many people are opposed to universal health care other than because they just repeat other people's words.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
and what is the tax rate in those countrys?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Damn, do I really talk as loud as those who quote me in giant fonts imply?

It seems like I must be using some sort reverb machine along with huge amplifiers to get that booming echo effect into my oration.

The point I was trying to make is that there are some countries that are more advanced than the US and provide health care for their citizens.

The health system can work well when all cooperate to make it work. There are working models that prove that.

Sadly, the US is very backward in this regard and the pharmaceutical and medical industries along with the hospitals want to keep it that way because they are squeezing all the blood that they can out of their patients while getting fat on our sweat.

The taxes may be higher in those countries because someone has to pay for good medical care, but it all works out fairly and the quality of life is higher in places like Switzerland and Canada where they have a successful health care system. We could learn from them if we could quit squabbling long enough to study what works.

. . . Eventually, we will have it here in the US too, but not until we can force the entrenched big medical companies to do it and to educate the dummies who only know how to parrot what they hear Rush Limbaugh and other stooges of the rich say.
Obamacare isn't affordable.

It will both bankrupt us and ruin our Healthcare industry.
Obamacare isn't affordable.

It will both bankrupt us and ruin our Healthcare industry. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
How do you ruin a healthcare industry that (according to the World Health Organization) has only delivered the 37th best health care system in the world?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-13-2012, 11:12 AM
“My main objection to Barack Obama is that he is a great speaker and a lousy communicator. He isn’t getting his message across to people. He isn’t showing that he really cares. To this day he hasn’t communicated with members of Congress.”

So his main objection is that Obama isn't getting his message across. Wow, pretty harsh stuff.

And i don't see in the article where he really suggests Obama is merely "an amateur", as the heading in your post suggests. So by your own logic, the entire article is a lie.

And beyond that, his criticism seems to revolve mostly around Obamacare - of which Dr. Scheiner probably just thinks was ultimately too Conservative leaning in that he actually is an advocate for single payer.

Nice try.
“My main objection to Barack Obama is that he is a great speaker and a lousy communicator. He isn’t getting his message across to people. He isn’t showing that he really cares. To this day he hasn’t communicated with members of Congress.”

So his main objection is that Obama isn't getting his message across. Wow, pretty harsh stuff.

And i don't see in the article where he really suggests Obama is merely "an amateur", as the heading in your post suggests. So by your own logic, the entire article is a lie.

And beyond that, his criticism seems to revolve mostly around Obamacare - of which Dr. Scheiner probably just thinks was ultimately too Conservative leaning in that he actually is an advocate for single payer.

Nice try. Originally Posted by Doove
Do you think you get the real facts fro youtube??
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-13-2012, 04:19 PM
Do you think you get the real facts fro youtube?? Originally Posted by ekim008
Does he think anyone actually clicks on his links? That's the real question.
Does he think anyone actually clicks on his links? That's the real question. Originally Posted by Doove
Remember Doove, you are never completly worthless. You can always serve as a bad example. LOL
joe bloe's Avatar
How do you ruin a healthcare industry that (according to the World Health Organization) has only delivered the 37th best health care system in the world? Originally Posted by bigtex
No one in their right mind thinks America's health care system is really 37th best in the world. I live in Houston. The Houston Medical Center is probably the best provider of health care in the world. The rich and famous come to America when they get sick because America's health care system is state of the art. The rest of the world relies on America to invent the technology and drugs they use in their health care systems.

The World Health Organization ranks Columbia, Chile, Morocco, Dominica and Costa Rica ahead of The United States in quality of health care. Which one of those countries would you go to for cancer treatment, organ transplant or bypass surgery?

If I ever need bypass surgery, screw the Houston Medical Center, I'm headed for Morocco!