Let the Sandbox readers decide.................

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  • Laz
  • 05-12-2012, 09:59 AM
For regular news segments I would vote Fox but the nighttime shows are definitely biased. I know those are not really news shows but since they are on the same channel i have to say none of the above.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-12-2012, 10:22 AM
Well, if you think COG or JD Barley are fair and balanced, then i could see how you might think FOX is fair and balanced.
oh come on... Fox? Really ;-)... my best guess was CNN ;-)
Iaintliein's Avatar
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
I have to say out of those PBS, but really the answer is "None"
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-12-2012, 11:39 AM
All you will get from posting this here is a reflection of he political preferences of the people here. Nothing wrong with that, but it is really "Which editorial perspective do you argee with", not "Which is most fair and ballanced".
All you will get from posting this here is a reflection of he political preferences of the people here. Nothing wrong with that, but it is really "Which editorial perspective do you argee with", not "Which is most fair and ballanced". Originally Posted by Old-T
No, those are 2 completely different questions. You might draw that conclusion but everyone has their own opinion on which station is the most fair for different reasons ( not just your reasons). Different views that people hold on bias varies from nation to nation and also, ethnicity-wise.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-12-2012, 02:51 PM
I agree they are different questions. Unfortunately based upon their posting history I do not trust the majority of posters here to be able to seperate them. Too many see the whole universe based upon their view of how things should be. There are folks here who would attack gravity as evil if their ideological leaders told them to.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
One would have to actually listen to FOX, CNN, MSN or PBS to compare.

AND one would have to know how to distinguish between what is news and what is commentary which seems to be the biggest problem with the Hannity, Rush, Stewart and Colbert posters in this forum.

Fox has a hard news program called "Special Report" which come on at 6 CST. The hard news is reported 50/50 pro and con on most of the issues of the day and it is followed by excellent commentary with 1 Liberal view, one conservative view and one moderate view from MAINSTREAM journalists.

It is by far more fair..more balanced...more thought provoking, than ANYTHING else out there.

If you don't believe me then why dont you actually take count yourself and then compare that count with CNN, MSN or whatever you like.

The left is so used to hearing the liberal media what when they actually hear something fair and balance they go ape shit.

The sandbox is also a national forum. We have posters all over te map.....Look at the poll results!
joe bloe's Avatar
Fox News has been extremely successful because they have offered something no other television news service provided, unbiased news coverage. There's an old saying that in a capitalist system, you succeed by finding a need and filling it; that's what Fox News has done. Fox News has completely dominated ratings in cable news for the last ten years.

When Roger Ayles launched Fox News in 1996 he knew he had no real competition. All of his so called competitors were leftist propagandists. Ayles also knew that Americans define themselves as being conservatives two to one over being liberals. In a sense, Fox News had a monopoly from day one.

The amazing thing is that Fox News still has no real competition, not on cable news and certainly not on broadcast news. I believe this shows just how left wing journalism is. Not even the pursuit of profit is enough to cause CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC and CBS to move to the center.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-12-2012, 05:49 PM
Fox News has completely dominated ratings in cable news for the last ten years. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Mm hmm.

Not even the pursuit of profit is enough to cause CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC and CBS to move to the center.
So tell us, how do the ratings of FOX News compare to the cumulative ratings of the guys who do "the other thing"?

Even Sarah Palin could win an election if she's on the ballot with 4 or 5 very like minded independents.
Fox News has been extremely successful because they have offered something no other television news service provided, unbiased news coverage. Originally Posted by joe bloe


This post just surged ahead of Kayla's post for the "Most Stupid Post of the Year"!

Fox can't even get a news broadcasting license in Canada because there is a requirement to correct inaccurate news stories and to tell the truth.

Then there is the phone hacking scandal on top of everything else.

Poor Rupert! His only defense is to say he "was not a good manager".

Any other admission would reveal his criminal intent.

I actually watch Chris Mathews every night at 6. He gives a great perspective on how absolutly moronic the left can be.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-12-2012, 08:43 PM
The sandbox is also a national forum. We have posters all over te map.....Look at the poll results! Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Yes, it is a national forum.

No, the conservative point of view is much more common on here. This is not a reflection of the larger US political distibution.