Show me your papers

It's here. The Nacht und Nebel Decree is finally rearing it's ugly head. Bush started it with the Patriot Act and Obama finished it with the NDAA 2012. Welcome to the new American Era.
They ran a similiar sting a few months back at the Lynchburg Ferry Landing. They just happen to invite the Harris County Sherriffs out with drug dogs. No arrest for terrorism, but several pot bust and a couple of DUI's.

If you drove up to the Ferry and saw the cops, and tried to turn around, they would pull you over.

This is just all bullshit. It's just another way for the Government to skate right past the Bill of Rights and harrass citizens with the hope of nailing someone doing something "wrong".
How'd they get 7 prostitution arrests out of this?
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
The Secret Service as there.
BigLouie's Avatar
The Secret Service as there. Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
As clients?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I have never been a fan of the Patriot Act. In fact it should not be reinstated when it comes around again if it is not repealed.
The government has done nothing but infringe on our individual liberties long before the so called war on drugs.
This just created more loss of liberty.
Government is evil and should be strictly controlled. It is a shame that so many people run to the government wanting shelter from this and that to the point that we are virtual prisoners in our on nation.
I have never been a fan of the Patriot Act. In fact it should not be reinstated when it comes around again if it is not repealed.
The government has done nothing but infringe on our individual liberties long before the so called war on drugs.
This just created more loss of liberty.
Government is evil and should be strictly controlled. It is a shame that so many people run to the government wanting shelter from this and that to the point that we are virtual prisoners in our on nation. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

You can't leave the country if you owe taxes. However, illegal, undocumented workers can file a fraudulent tax return with 10+ dependents and collect a check of $11,000. It's nuts.
I'm fearful for the future of this country. I'm moving to New Zealand!!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
New Zealand will not even let you in the country unless you have a round trip ticket.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
How'd they get 7 prostitution arrests out of this? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Seven hookers working the Houston bus stops. Classy
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 05-13-2012, 12:43 AM
Seven hookers working the Houston bus stops. Classy Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
They have benches at the bus stops....LMAO
New Zealand will not even let you in the country unless you have a round trip ticket. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Why is that?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They actually enforce their immigration laws.
New Zealand will only accept who they want, when they want them.
Not one of the easiest nations to immigrate to.
It's here. The Nacht und Nebel Decree is finally rearing it's ugly head. Bush started it with the Patriot Act and Obama finished it with the NDAA 2012. Welcome to the new American Era. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Olivia this is pretty scary because I too was wondering how they managed to get some of these people for these minor offenses. Not to mention the reporters point out the exorbitant cost of conducting this little "sting" under the guise of terrorism and we the taxpayers paid for it.

We are in a new era and again I am beginning to think our country is going to end up like the country of Great Britain as portrayed in the movie V for Vendetta. If they keep people in fear about Terrorism then they can get around the civil rights laws and no one for the most part is going to question it. Americans have become wimpy sheep easily lead in my opinion. I talk to some of my friends and neighbors who look at something like this and they say "well, if your not doing anything wrong you shouldn't worry about it".

Interesting short blog if any of you care to read:
...........Americans have become wimpy sheep easily lead in my opinion. I talk to some of my friends and neighbors who look at something like this and they say "well, if your not doing anything wrong you shouldn't worry about it".

Interesting short blog if any of you care to read: Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
They got people on minor offenses because they did bag checks and ran ID's. It's a Fifth Amendment issue if nothing else. If there is no suspicion then the authorities have NO FUCKING RIGHT to question you or ask for ID. These people were on a bus, they weren't driving. Why did the police need to see their DL.

Secondly, this "cop" is head of the METRO po-po not the real HPD. It's like being the Chief of Police for the University of Houston or something. Big deal! It was his 15 minutes of fame; unfortunately Liberty got in the way of his ego. And he said he's going to do it again. Oh yeah, we're safe from bus riding terrorists, but Liberty is dead and we are under attack by our own civil servants.