AP Reports Obama's Presidency a Worldwide Disappointment

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, Obamaniacs. This is the AP (liberal) reporting on the worldwide disappointment in the presidency of Barack Obama. Notice that many of the disappointments were lies told during his 2008 campaign, like closing Gitmo, ending the wars, etc.

I thought he was going to improve our image in the world. Instead, the world has discovered what we have. He's not up to the job.

At some point, he has to quit blaming Bush, and digging up bin Laden.


"Shit we already know" for $1000 Alex.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Ok, Obamaniacs. This is the AP (liberal) reporting on the worldwide disappointment in the presidency of Barack Obama. Notice that many of the disappointments were lies told during his 2008 campaign, like closing Gitmo, ending the wars, etc.

I thought he was going to improve our image in the world. Instead, the world has discovered what we have. He's not up to the job.

At some point, he has to quit blaming Bush, and digging up bin Laden.


Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Foreign policy expert Josef Braml, who analyzes the U.S. for the German Council on Foreign Relations, said many Germans give Obama too much of the blame because they don't understand the limits of his powers. See, they’re just like you. If a President had the abilities and powers to do the things you expect him to (well, this President) and fault him for not doing, he would be a dictator in your eyes. Because like those of you would never say what proof would convince you he was innocent of anything you say he is guilty of and the more glaring fact that you obviously hate the man. In your eyes he does nothing right. A great supposition to enter what you claim is an open minded debate. Total horseshit. I don’t really care why you hate him. Claiming it is because of his politics brings all of your judgments to be questioned. Y’all continue to call liberals haters while your screen names are used as examples in the “Haters Guide Book to Destroying America Just to Get Obama”. You actually have me not thinking about the real reasons to re-elect him. You have me just wanting to see your heads explode. You who think so little of America that it could be brought down by a single President. You squeal like little girls who slip on the monkey bars and bust their hymens. The stench of your fear sickens me. Your own personal fear. Your supposed concern for our country is no less a lie than the many you say Obama has said.

OK cog, time for your dismissive and trivial statement that highlights my points and proves you have no real rejoinder.
"There's a lack of understanding both of how the system of checks and balances works - or doesn't work any longer - and a lack of understanding of how big the socio-economic problems in the United States are, which cause the gridlock," Braml said in a telephone call from Greece, where he was on vacation.
Mehmet Yegin, a specialist in Turkish-American relations at USAK, the Ankara-based International Strategic Research Organization, said Europe still sees Obama as superior to Romney, "because they primarily evaluate Romney as a Republican and their memories about George W. Bush linger."
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I know I am e3mbarassed by his presidency. I tell people I am Canadian.
I know I am e3mbarassed by his presidency. I tell people I am Canadian. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Better than a prick,looks like in the report people who understand how the world works understand there is only so much any president can do without cooperation
I know I am e3mbarassed by his presidency. I tell people I am Canadian. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I am also disappointed with the first 4 years of Obama's Presidency. During the past 4 years, I was hopeful there would be much more cooperation between the Executive and Legislative Branches of government. For the most part, that has not existed. Most especially from the Republicans in both the House and Senate. Without cooperation, the end result is always gridlock! I expected more cooperation and less gridlock and apparently the world did, as well! I consider that to be a reasonable expectation!

But I am not going to say that I am any less proud to be an American citizen. With that, I strongly disagree (once again) with 2Dogs. I would never consider telling anyone that I am anything less than a proud American citizen. While I oftentimes disagreed with GW's foreign policy initiatives, I never once was embarrassed about being an American citizen. Apparently 2Dogs is much more partisan than I.

Perhaps now is the time for 2Dogs to go ahead and take the plunge. Due to his ongoing health related concerns, 2Dogs might benefit greatly from Canada's single-payer health care system.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 05-14-2012, 08:33 AM
BT, wadr, you cannot put all the blame on gridlock on the repubs, the chicken shit harry reid is the hang up in that process, hell he breaks the law by not even bringing up a vote on the budget, the past 3 years. What the fuck is he affraid of? And when they jammed obaminal care up our ass, where was the bipartisanship? They are the biggest hypocrates that walk the face of the earth, along with being the biggest liars. All those cocksuckers, are carrying soros's water.....
Gotyour6's Avatar
I love how everyone blames the other party.

They all suck, they are all liars and we have been putting up with it for years.
joe bloe's Avatar
I know I am e3mbarassed by his presidency. I tell people I am Canadian. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
If Obama wins, the economy will probably completely collapse. We may have to become illegal aliens in Canada. Maybe we can mow their yards and pick their crops. We'll all be hanging out around the Canadian Home Depot's hoping to get day labor jobs. I think I may buy Rosetta Stone and learn how to speak Canadian. The Mexicans will cross the Rio Grande and just keep going till they get to Canada.
One: I never lose my pride in this country.

Two: Presidents (and Parties) aren't the "USA"

Three: The Pendulum swings -- sometimes good, sometimes bad.

Four: Extremism is always louder and more vitriolic than actual Patriotism

Five: If you need labels to validate your thoughts, your "yellow light" is flickering.

And, yes, I served my country proudly.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I am also disappointed with the first 4 years of Obama's Presidency. During the past 4 years, I was hopeful there would be much more cooperation between the Executive and Legislative Branches of government. For the most part, that has not existed. Most especially from the Republicans in both the House and Senate. Without cooperation, the end result is always gridlock! I expected more cooperation and less gridlock and apparently the world did, as well! I consider that to be a reasonable expectation!

But I am not going to say that I am any less proud to be an American citizen. With that, I strongly disagree (once again) with 2Dogs. I would never consider telling anyone that I am anything less than a proud American citizen. While I oftentimes disagreed with GW's foreign policy initiatives, I never once was embarrassed about being an American citizen. Apparently 2Dogs is much more partisan than I.

Perhaps now is the time for 2Dogs to go ahead and take the plunge. Due to his ongoing health related concerns, 2Dogs might benefit greatly from Canada's single-payer health care system. Originally Posted by bigtex
For two of those four years, the President had complete control over the Congress. What he did with that control caused him to lose the House of Representatives. The people don't WANT him doing whatever he pleases. Yet he still tries to get around that.

And the President has had plenty of cooperation when it comes to limiting personal freedom. The Republicans have worked with him on that much too well.
boardman's Avatar
Better than a prick,looks like in the report people who understand how the world works understand there is only so much any president can do without cooperation Originally Posted by ekim008
It's too bad the dumb ass didn't understand that before he ran for King of the World. All those empty promises would have been a little more thought out, maybe. Now, you're gonna blame the media and political analysts for his failures? GTFO!!!!
It's too bad the dumb ass didn't understand that before he ran for King of the World. All those empty promises would have been a little more thought out, maybe. Now, you're gonna blame the media and political analysts for his failures? GTFO!!!! Originally Posted by boardman

Well remember he wanted hope and change.Think it wasn't well thought out the opposition he would receive.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah. Poor old Obama. So many don't want the US to be a socialist dictatorship. He didn't think that through very well at all. I mean, who wouldn't want Obama to be the sole ruler of the land of the free?

How terribly sad.
I am not saying that,it is I have always wondered where we would be and what shape we would be in if the Dems and repubs would have worked together instead of fighting these last few years.Neither party wants to run anyone who will work across the isle