Nothing to See Here. . . Move Along

Iaintliein's Avatar
This hotly debated subject seems to have plummeted from the front page. . . I wonder why.

Yet, the wheels of political correctness continue to grind inevitably forward:

"Hate Crimes" the pinnacle of liberal lunacy, once and forever forsaking the principle of equal protection under the law, Animal Farm has arrived.
joe bloe's Avatar
The whole concept of hate crimes is grounded in the principle of having certain groups being "protected". Hate crime laws require, that when a member of a protected minority group is harmed by a straight white man, additional punishment is warranted, over and above the usual punishment for the crime. So everybody gets special treatment except straight, white men.

The whole concept of hate crime laws is flawed, at its core, partly because it punishes based on motivation; this is essentially punishing because of what the person thinks as opposed to what the person does. It requires that the prosecution prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, what the defendant was thinking when he committed the crime; that is impossible. Hate crimes are thought crimes.

Hate crime legislation is reverse discrimination. It's what Rush Limbaugh calls "getevenwithemism"
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The main stream media has already written the story. You can't expect a correction at this late date. We still have to write up the lynching. Let the historians try to get it right.
I B Hankering's Avatar
This hotly debated subject seems to have plummeted from the front page. . . I wonder why.

Yet, the wheels of political correctness continue to grind inevitably forward:

"Hate Crimes" the pinnacle of liberal lunacy, once and forever forsaking the principle of equal protection under the law, Animal Farm has arrived. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
There are some lefties here that are not going to like you for providing facts that dispute their 'rendition' of the narrative, e.g., Sexeccentric1, who still claims it was Zimmerman on top of and beating the shit out of Martin.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
Hate crime legislation is reverse discrimination. It's what Rush Limbaugh calls "getevenwithemism" Originally Posted by joe bloe
get even? we wanna get over. u crackers.

paybacks a bitch muthafucka. just STFU & take it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Thought crime.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
We'll see how the trial comes out. I don't think anyone's all that concerned that Zimmermann was "injured." I guess the teenager was convicted of bringing fists to a gunfight.