Taken by Storm and Pulsar Adult Inc Webdesign Specials End Tomorrow

seductivestorm's Avatar
Hey ladies!

First I want to say we can do websites for any kind of business so please guys feel free to reach out too.

To the ladies. I offer a variety of screening, assistant and consulting options which can be seen on my site which I will provide link to shortly.

I completed 3 new websites for ladies recently 4 if I include one of my own and can share those links for you to take a look. The links are also provided on the site.

The current special is 200.00. It is paid before hand and I can provide you with contact for the three ladies who I just finished work for so you know I am on the up and up.

They paid and I had their sites to them within a one week window.

Their reviews of my services are under testimonials.

Please view http://stormassists.blogspot.com

And use the contact form there to reach me or email me directly at



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