Attention Please as I Rarely Post

Well as most of you know I haven’t had the best year. Referring back to my surgery that left me in a coma among many other things back in Feb.

This is not very easy for me to ask for help, but they say if you don’t, no one will ever know…

Some of you are already aware of what happened to me a week and a half ago. For the rest of you, please bare with me it’s still very hard to discuss. As most of you that know me, or have met me know that I am sweet as pie with a big heart.

However all that set aside, I was brutally attacked, left with stitches and robbed of all my money. I prefer to leave it at that, as the details are extremely hard to discuss, I have been to the doctors. It was from an appointment and the alerts have been sent out to the ladies. I know some of you have tried to schedule appts with me and I have danced around it or made up an excuse, now you understand why. I wish for no one to ever go through what I have gone through!! It’s very hard mentally to deal with and even harder to throw in finances on top of it while trying to recover.

Being that I will be out for awhile longer and have NO income, coming in and being a single mom, I am asking for help. Any donation would be greatly appreciated to the fullest!!! I have a net spend card, and it is very simple if you would care to help me out. At any HEB they have a reload card that is free (make sure it’s the reload and your not buying a card). You take it to the service desk and load the funds. After that, there is a scratch off on the back with a code, and then you may PM me with the code or email me sexyroxanne4you@gmail.

I would like to thank everyone in advance for everything.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Thank you Roxanne for having the courage to post about this in co-ed. I know you're a proud woman and this must be very hard for you.

I hope the rest of the eccie community will do what they can to support one of our members in her time of need.

You can buy a netspend card in cash so it is totally anonymous.

Best wishes Roxanne.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Roxanne, so sorry to hear about all of this. This is an assualt and the perp needs to be brought to justice. I can understand it's a very tough and traumatic experience, but I hope that you'll be able to report this guy to the authories when you're comfortable to do so if you haven't done it already.
nuglet's Avatar
Yeah Right~ Can you say self incrimination? I truly believe the police would think of it as a really low priority, unless of course it was lethal. But then on the other hand.. she would be at danger AGAIN, by exposing herself to the LE.
Just one more reason to legalize the sport, then shit like this would move wayyyy up the ladder, enforcement wise.
Thank you very much for your kind words
rrrabbit's Avatar
It has come to my attention that not very many have come to the call.

I have no idea what the circumstances are, nor have I ever visited w/ Roxy. Therefore, I feel confident in stating that I have no ulterior motive if I were to contribute to her plea for help.

So how come us outstanding ECCIE public servants are not stepping up ? Wud up gee ?

Here's a tip jar {_}?. Throw in your pocket change, $5, $10, whatever denomination you can COMFORTABLY spare. If 10 folks throw in $10 (the cost of a lunch at a tittie bar), that's a week's worth of groceries - and you may even feel good about it to boot.

Before you know it, Roxy's stitches will be healed, and she'll be back on her feet.

You too. Throw in your 2 cents on this thread: for every appt that mentions Roxy, you'll donate $X of that appt (or whatever twist your demented minds can come up with :-0). I know it's stretching it a bit, but this could also be viewed as an opportunity ?

Thank you! Also just FYI, I respect ones privacy of not mentioning who helps out, I know to ssome of you that is important and I respect that.

Thank you and Best Wishes

It has come to my attention that not very many have come to the call.

I have no idea what the circumstances are, nor have I ever visited w/ Roxy. Therefore, I feel confident in stating that I have no ulterior motive when I contribute to her please for help.

So how come others are not doing similarly ? What up gee ?

Here's a tip jar {_}?. Throw in your pocket change, $5, $10, whatever you can COMFORTABLY spare. If 10 folks throw in $10 (the cost of a lunch at a tittie bar), that's a week's worth of gorceries.

Before you know it, Roxy's stitches will be healed, and she'll be back on her feet.

You too. Throw in your 2 cents on this thread: for every appt that mentions Roxy, you'll donate $X of that appt (or whatever twist your demented minds can come up with :-0). This could also be viewed as an opportunity ?

LOVE THY NEIGHOBER - LITERALLY Originally Posted by rrrabbit
Britttany_love's Avatar
Lovely I hope you are doing better... I wish I had some to give you but times are slow for me and helping out the family with whatever i have left after all the bills. If you need anything besides money let me know.
Thank you Britttany, I really understand where your comming from and would never want to put anyone out of anything.
Elephant's Avatar
Hello Roxanne,

I'm sorry to hear about the attack... I'll be sending you something this afternoon... Take Care...

Thank you Elephant so VERY much! Hope you have a great day!
Beagle's Avatar
I can offer you help with tech stuff or car problems, if you ever have issues with those. I know where and how to find the best deals.

Sorry to hear about your ordeal.
Thank you Beagle and best wishes!
I would just like to thank everyone that has sent thier get well wishes and let you all know I am starting to feel a bit better, not all the way yet but better than a week ago.

Thank you!
ACEIV's Avatar
  • 07-23-2010, 01:25 AM

I'll match the ECCIE communities donations, up to $100.00 from this post forward. I don't know her personally, but I have had my share of bad luck, such as being ripped off but nothing compared to what she described. PM me if interested...fair enough?

Get well soon!