Coffee with an edge

Looking for the best place to get coffee with an edge. Like it almost gets served but then they take it back. Heavy cream and sugar. Let me know.
Looking for the best place to get coffee with an edge. Like it almost gets served but then they take it back. Heavy cream and sugar. Let me know. Originally Posted by longj29
Ok, I know ur not talking about actual coffee. So wth are you actually talking about?
Sir (or Ma’am, since women dabble too)

Bravo. Best ask I’ve seen from a hobbyist. Most establishments with a history of good service for the length of your stay will provide what you seek. Here’s hoping you find that perfect much denied cup.
I always love a sassy barista.
When served in such a manner, I can stay at the coffee shop for hours. Last cup should have massive froth.
hatecoldwater's Avatar
any vietnamese coffee shops in this area? like the ones in california with flirty girls?
Did you ever find your cup? Any recommendations??
Precious_b's Avatar
Aaliyah_Bailey's Avatar
I just ask for a double shot of espresso at Starbucks to take my edge off