Witnesses: Man drove 90 mph with genitals hanging out the window

GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 04-10-2013, 04:28 PM
pyramider's Avatar
Been there, done that.
Just think about hitting a bee at 90 MPH....ouchhhhhh
Lexxxy's Avatar
Dies laughing in college a friend drove a delivery truck he said you would be amazed at what you see looking down into cars while passing.
Would have sucked if he slipped and hit the button on his electric windows... screw that, it would be too funny
Frankie Fine's Avatar
LOL! Omg I am thinking of dogs hanging their faces out car windows and the wind flaps their cheeks...

90mph ..has gotta make the balls look like a flying stingray
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Three women testified against former Mount Carmel Vice-Mayor

errr but will they vote for him???
pineappleguy's Avatar
That's some real balls-out driving!!!