Paying full cost before activities? Is this normal?

At my last two attempted appointments I have been asked to pay the full cost before any activities have occurred or were even discussed. Is this request normal and is it something people do regularly? Tonight an escort claimed it's the only way she conducts business and has never had any problems.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Anytime I hangout with a hustler, liar and thief I always send a large deposit first followed by prepayment in full. What could go wrong?
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
At my last two attempted appointments I have been asked to pay the full cost before any activities have occurred or were even discussed. Is this request normal and is it something people do regularly? Tonight an escort claimed it's the only way she conducts business and has never had any problems (that she is going to tell you anyway). Originally Posted by jreid568
Never ever prepay for a provider, not even $20, let alone a full donation.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Are we talking before you even meet-- or are we talking leaving the agreed upon donation down upon arrival?

The latter is quite the norm and has been the general expectation across the industry for a very long time. Even the OG Private Connections agency (for you newer guys-- that was the predecessor to P411) listed that as a requirement for your appointment with any of their ladies. Most ladies have that mentioned in their websites, etc.

Honestly-- if you cannot figure out the services she offers based on her advertising, website, and reviews-- the risk is really on you for going through with the visit.
in general I do agree where I do not pay anything until the end. But if this is new person I have never met than I sometimes did put donation once after the arrival ( or after soft-talk ) just make sure I am not to rob them. Luckily I have never the case they accepted and ran
It has been the norm for a very long time to leave the donation as requested by the provider before activities actually start. Such as an envelope on the dresser or in the bathroom. Perhaps if you are a regular it may be different.

Prior to the actual meeting? Nope. Deposits are a very good way to just lose your money. Unless there some special circumstances. Asking someone to travel to meet you would be a good example. Or asking the provider to pay for a room other than her normal in call for your convenance.

Some providers will only see those who leave deposits. Maybe they have a history of no shows. That is their choice. But you really need to research and be very comfortable that the provider will show before giving a deposit.

I have noticed that as you move into the HDH realm, deposits are more of the norm, at least until you are a regular.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I think that if you are brand new to the hobby world or have no references and want to see a provider, you might have to pay a deposit. Or, if you have a history of NCNS that you have done per reports in the provider only forums, you might have to pay a deposit. A deposit can also mean that it is a way of screening to see if a hobbyist truly desires to see a provider and will not flake, but IMO, her screening is flawed if that is the main way she screens.

While it is always the provider's choice if she will see you, if she charges a deposit or not, the same is true of the hobbyist that he can decide to see her or not, even if he makes initial contact.

My take is, since I have 200+ provider Oks on p411 and I have never NCNSed a provider, I would scoff at a provider who demanded a deposit.
pmdelites's Avatar
"Is this request normal and is it something people do regularly? "
once you meet the person, yes and yes.

and it's not something you can generally find out about a provider from ads or reviews. sometimes, guys will share when they put the money down. sometimes, providers state that on their website (in face, i saw that this a.m. on a provider website).

kinda like the thread about how much info to share w/ a provider, agency, website, only pay what you want and when you want.
if that doesnt align w/ the provider's rules, leave (w/ a token "thanks for your time" tip) or follow her rules.
Anyone you text who demands to be paid electronically before you even get in the door, is scamming you. It's most likely a fake ad. But even if the provider is legit, she's still just trying to get free money from you without providing anything in return. Unless the provider has somehow proven she's worth that trust, do not ever prepay for an incall session. You will not have that session.

It is most common for clients to pay upon meeting, at the start of a session.

Some providers are okay with the client paying after the session, but they prefer not to do this because they often get stiffed.

I like to pay at the start of the session and offer for them to verify payment. I let it be up to them to decide whether they want to trust me or not. If the session isn't good, I just consider that a cost of doing business. But the review I write later might save others some money, so it's at least not a total waste.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Prepaying the full donation before you even see the provider is like prepaying for your meal at a restaurant and going there later that evening to find out they did not make the food and they are not going to because they are too busy with other guests to worry about you. After all, they already got your money.
Both providers wanted me to pay the full cost of the appointment electronically before discussing anything after I had entered the room. I declined both times because I thought they might refuse to do any services after receiving payment.