unrequested communications

pmdelites's Avatar
providers of eccie,

i know [and prolly most guys here know] that part of your process is getting clients to make appts to visit you [either their first or return visit].
in order to do so, you can use an eccie provider ad, an eccie provider showcase, a response to an ISO, even a threAD.
one of the best ways, in my opinion, is to provide such a deliteful time that the guy will desire to go back and visit you again and again. [i know several women who have earned my return visits]

and i also know that sometimes, you just want to contact a guy or some guys and let them know that you'd like for them to come visit you.
i get that.

but, please, DO NOT send a guy or some guys a solicitation without finding out from him if a) he says that's ok and b) if he does, what's the best way for you to send it to him [eccie pm, email, text, ph call].

if he says NO and you contact him, or if he says "Yes do so via pm" and you contact him some other way, that just shows off your inattention to details and lack of discretion; qualities, imho, that are not conducive to a deliteful encounter.

also, if he says "yes you can contact me", DO NOT send him a) a pm that shows you sent it to several other guys or b) an email that lists his email address AND that of several other guys!!!

i have gotten several of these in the recent past and just shake my head at the woman's total lack of knowledge and discretion.
i have gotten emails from several other guys reporting the same thing.

so, please, Please PLEASE ...
only send a note to a guy if he said you could and only send it via his preferred mode [text, pm, etc.].

let's keep these encounters fun and deliteful, not second-guess and distracting.
thanks for your understanding.
What pmdelites said. Believe me, we haven't forgotten you. Or if we have, unsolicited communications won't help that fact...
I understand and agree about the contact issue for some if not most hobbyists. I'm lucky, so can be contacted pretty much anytime. I've smiled the few times a provider has contacted me wanting a visit out of the blue. For the most part, I get turned on and do it...
unsolicited communications make me intentionally forget who you are...