There’s the Tea Party -- and then there’s everyone else

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  • WTF
  • 06-19-2014, 01:59 PM
As House Republicans pick new leaders in the wake of Eric Cantor’s stunning primary defeat last week, our new NBC/WSJ poll finds that the Tea Party is in a VERY different place on key issues -- than both non-Tea Party Republicans and the general population. It’s a stunning contrast. Take the supposedly politically charged issue of Common Core education standards (Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is seeking to end his state’s involvement with these standards). Tea Party Republicans oppose them by 53%-38% in our poll. By contrast, the country at large supports them by a pretty non-controversial 59%-31% margin, and non-Tea Party Republicans narrowly favor them, 49%-42%. On immigration, the poll shows that 68% of Tea Party Republicans believe immigration hurts the United States, versus just 47% of non-Tea Party Republicans and 42% of all Americans who say that. And on the environment, Tea Party Republicans disapprove -- by a 74%-23% margin -- of a proposal that would require companies to reduce greenhouse gases, even if it means higher energy costs for consumers. By contrast, 57% of Americans and 50% of non-Tea Party Republicans APPROVE of the proposal. What’s more, 39% of Tea Party Republicans think that concern about global warming is unwarranted, while just 13% of all Americans and 7% of non-Tea Party Republicans believe that.
For a nonexistent national party you once thought dead, that will never elect a President but in your own words did with GWB....

You sure are skered of them.

Give it up WTF the moronic buffoon, you are just making yourself more moronic and buffoonish.

you are just making yourself more moronic and buffoonish. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Being a moronic buffoon never seemed to bother our resident smelly ol' Moronic Turdfly!

Let's give it up for Turdy!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why haven't the Tea Party left the GOP and formed their own independent political party?
Oincompetent is a liar...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oh nOOOOO. AnOther YOuTube videO frOm the drOOling fOOl!
Oisisma... Loling you "Dick Turd"

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who is Dick Turd? Sounds like you've totally lost it, Slobbrin. You're drowning in your own pool of drool. Again.