Tam Tam the magical Vietnamese

You have seen her picture and no matter how stunningly beautiful and no matter how much you want to go for a ride with her... DO NOT GO! The ad is a total scam and bait/switch. It's at this house that has three Chinese chicks. Again stay away unless you don't mind fucking a middle aged so so chick.

goodolboy's Avatar
The Asian ads are almost always bait and switch.
FattyMcGee's Avatar
Thanks for TOFTT!
pmdelites's Avatar
ALWAYS do a reverse search on image as well as ph#.
if no hits, ask others for info.

or risk getting scammed, bait & switched, ncns'd or worse !!!
DaddyJ's Avatar
When you look at postings in other cities, there she is again. Obviously you don't see people in two or three different cities (Dallas, Tulsa, Houston) at the same time. Obviously, there is no Tam Tam