? About New Tokyo

Hopefully not breaking any FCR on this one - I called to set an appt with who I had read the most recent positive review on from RM, however, she said all new girls there now? I had to skip anyway, traffic got too bad, so thought I would ask if anyone has been fairly recently, or if a sudden replacement of all girls is a bad sign these days? I’ll toftt as soon as I have a chance again, just asking to the collective here
Chung Tran's Avatar
generally speaking, ALL new girls is a bad sign. look at Pearls for clear confirmation.
"New girl come" & "Grand opening" is SubAMP-speak for "same shit, different day".
Fair points - would you consider New Tokyo a SubAMP? Per RM, it offers a pretty amp-like experience. I guess sub in the sense it isn’t downtown maybe?
Personally, I think price-structure has more to do with it, than location. SubAMPs have a la carte pricing, each item has an added fee. FS AMPs are more like all-you-can-eat buffets. One price, no matter how much you order.
Gotcha, sensible way to think about. I haven’t had much luck finding places out here in the East that have much of a menu to add too many options to the cart.