Hello ladies and gentlemen

Brayzen's Avatar
Hello everyone.
I’m a “well seasoned lady” from Missouri.

Contemplating moving to Albuquerque. Maybe Rio Rancho????
I’d like to have suggestions on life there.
I’ve been there a few times and really liked it… however, I do understand when you’re on vacation it’s different than when you live there. I did not entertained while I was there.
I might add that I’m a real conservative,involved! So..
Cali is out.

Anyway… just wanted to introduce myself.
I'm relatively new to Albuquerque (and Eccie) having moved from another Rocky Mountain state about 2 years ago. Enjoying it thus far. Before moving, I had stayed here, Santa Fe, Taos and in central areas of the state quiet a few times so I had a fairly good feel for the overall state and the Albuquerque area.

Of course, it's subjective, but I think the weather around Albuquerque is fairly moderate winter and summer. It's high desert so it's dry. Albuquerque gets very little snow but it is windy most of the year.

Lots of places to hike, bike and take in the culture. If you need a different fix, you can get to the Colorado San Juans in about 5 1/2 hours, Moab Utah in about 6 1/2 hours and the Grand Canyon in Arizona in about 6 hours.

You probably know that politically it's Democratic. Coming here, I knew the state is medically under served. Getting care is a big PIA and you'll likely see PAs nor NPs at an urgent care center before an MD. Or as happened to me a couple of times, the MDs I was scheduled to see left their practices. If you find a medical provider who is taking patients, plan on booking appointments many months in advance.

People grouse about traffic. They haven't seen anything compared to major cities. Rush hour is about that; otherwise, you can get pretty much be anywhere in the Albuquerque area in 30 minutes. If you end up further north in Rio Rancho, times will be a little longer.

For housing, Rio Rancho has a good bit of new construction. Elsewhere in Albuquerque, it's in-fill type developments.

Feel free to message me. Good luck in your search!
NM is as Blue as CA. In fact, it is a blue death spiral state. Fun for you to visit, but living here is a different experience. We are last in education and healthcare, and top 5 for violent crimes.
NM is as Blue as CA. In fact, it is a blue death spiral state. Fun for you to visit, but living here is a different experience. We are last in education and healthcare, and top 5 for violent crimes. Originally Posted by UTRFriend
I endorse this. Our governor tries to put further regulations on oil/gas yet this is where the majority of state revenue comes from. Talk about biting the hand that feeds us. And the mayor of Abq is like a mini-Newsome. Empty suit while we watch the metro erode with tents, homlessness, and enabled drug addicts.
If you are more conservstive, live in the east mountains. More of a let live attitude and dont tell me what to do.
I suggest East Texas.
I would have to agree with every thing said above. All of the I-25 corridor is liberal and will tell you that Biden is doing a good job. The smaller non-urban cities are more conservative but lack the population for you to make a good living. Taos is also liberal as all get out.
Doctorbendover's Avatar
Consider Las Cruces, liberal politically, but totally underserved hobby-wise.

Great mountain views, county population over 210,000, great climate, close enough to El Paso for drive ups to see you, or drive downs to make your presence known, LE non-existant when it comes to hobbyists, excellent mexican food locations and a few premire restaurants and relatively cheap housing.