Final DANCE-OFF!!!!

It seems that almost every other thread on this site revolves around the same chest thumping-testostorone filled gentlemen going over and over the same argument. With that said...I realize this is a "Boy's Club". But really, can't we just agree to disagree and move on gentleman?

Now, I'm sure I'm not the only X chromosone on the site who thinks there is nothing sexier than a man who does not take himself too seriously. With that.. I give you THE DANCE-OFF. (50 second mark=too cute!!)

Hmm...I wonder if they'll realize that I only came up with this crap because I needed a threAD? Nah...they'll still be too busy thumping their chests.
P411- P102480
Just taking time out from chest thumping to say

Your YouTube link doesn't load.
You mean, I actually have to put a working link on? These threADs are alot of work...
P411: P102480
Maybe it just doesn't load on my iPhone. It tells me could not load movie. I believe it is a link for YouTube members. Where my sig line is one anyone can access.
It worked for me. I like it a lot better than having the same 3 or 4 idiots pontificating about some trivial bullshit.
I think BABY needs to be put in a corner...
P411: P102480
You can always try.
knotty man's Avatar
I think BABY needs to be put in a corner...
P411: P102480 Originally Posted by Laney1
nobody puts baby in a corner!
patrick swayze (dirty dancin)
and no! im not gay!!!
MARTlAN's Avatar
Did someone say dance off????!!!! Im quite amazing, anyone see those Step Up movies, well I haven't, but I have seen the previews, I think or heard about them on the radio, but anyway........Oh yea dance off, na Ill pass. Anyone seen that movie with John Travolta where he dances? FaceOff? I like that movie.
Ms Lane,
While some of the threads require participation, (attention!) most are easily dismissed as "Chest Thumping" bravado. I have not participated in a thread, posted a review, or added to the community as a member in quite a while. Thank you for a bit of light hearted humor...
Ohh and yes my dancing/wrestling skills are not recommended for the faint at heart... <--(NOW THAT IS ADVERTISING)
Still Looking's Avatar
Still Looking's Avatar
Tatonka's Avatar
You got served!
Chuck Berry's gonna help me out here.....
P411: P102480

**Miami October 25th-29th**
MARTlAN's Avatar
Dances with wolves, worst dance movie ever...