Just Curious...

Lucas McCain's Avatar
I'll keep this simple. How specifically is YOUR personal life materially affected by the government?

I'll start it off by answering the question of the asshole who started this thread. My answer is not one fucking bit. Any failure or success in my life is on me. That's not up to the government. That's up to my ambitions and my decision making. The government has jack shit to do with any of that. What in the flying fuck are you "the world is ending because of Democrats" guys even talking about? You actually believe your quality of life depends on our fucked up government? Nope. It depends on what YOU make of it. Government only gives some of you something to bitch and obsess about, when you should be pissed off at yourself.

If things aren't going right in my life, it's not because of politicians, it's because of my own bullshit and I own that shit. Many of you should learn how to man the fuck up and do the same instead of placing blame. There are a bunch of crybabies in this forum. Man the fuck up! Have some anonymous internet dignity for fucks sake. Lol

Too many F-words in a post perhaps?
ManSlut's Avatar
I have stated this for decades, basically learned it from my tough as nails, Texas farm boy, turned Toolpusher, turned business owner father during the time I was considering changing my engineering degree pursuit for a career in politics (I formed the phrase, but his ways formed the idea):

“Anyone who thinks a politician will change their lot in Life is a Fool!”

(You can amend that by adding “…a politician or government will change…”)

From the beginning of time warlords, then rulers, then dynasties, then monarchs, then republics & different forms of democracies, etc., have done nothing more than become total forms of control by the ones in charge and controlling the cash flow (meaning who ultimately gets the cash).

I will address later what I feel our government should be doing for me and every citizen of this country.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Manny, your father was a wise man. I'm sure he would have had plenty of words of wisdom for some of the crybabies in this forum who believe their world is ending because of fucking politics.

Sorry for your loss. Your dad sounds like he was a good and thoughtful man.
ManSlut's Avatar
True dat Lucas. He was an extremely dirt poor, late depression era raised farm boy, who’s family didn’t even own the land they farmed. They mainly farmed cotton and what they needed to eat, said, “We raised whatever the ants left us.”

They lived morally & physically by the biblical phrase, “You reap what you sow” mentally & physically. He had no tolerance for looking back on hardships or screwups in life, or lazy people, just in making your own way in life and taking ownership of it.

I sure do miss that son-of-a-bitch and the talks we’d have hunting, fishing, playing golf.
ICU 812's Avatar
Not to quibble: I do "get" what Lucas is talking about. But "The Government" can be viewed with a wide angle lens , or more narrowly.

I have been retired since 2003. I worked for an agency of the US government, the Veteran's Administration in the Department of Veteren's Affaires. I developed a disability. Over a holiday weekend, I lost vision in one eye while the other became merely "legally blind".

I expected some support and assistance st work. Turns out, at that time the local administrative folks believed that the Americans With Disabilities Act did not apply to the VA hospital where I worked. I fought for my job, or any job there for over six months. It didn't help me that I also had a good case of head-fuck from the shock of becoming functionally blind on whort notice. Finally, I quit fighting them and applied for a disability retirement. That came through almost immediately for a government agency . . .which says something.

Now, we can discuss whether or not I am better off having left the VA with only enough time in service to get a half-pay retirement or if some other outcome would have been better. We ccan discuss just how good or bad my life has been since then. For instance, I didn't hobby before retiring . . .is that good or bad?

This may not be quite what the OP meant, but that is how I view the effect of "The Government" on my life.
HoHound's Avatar
You're right Rifleman. Inflation, migrants, crime, medical tyranny, it's all my fault. The government had nothing to do with it. I'm gonna man up right now!
I'll keep this simple. How specifically is YOUR personal life materially affected by the government?

I'll start it off by answering the question of the asshole who started this thread. My answer is not one fucking bit. Any failure or success in my life is on me. That's not up to the government. That's up to my ambitions and my decision making. The government has jack shit to do with any of that. What in the flying fuck are you "the world is ending because of Democrats" guys even talking about? You actually believe your quality of life depends on our fucked up government? Nope. It depends on what YOU make of it. Government only gives some of you something to bitch and obsess about, when you should be pissed off at yourself.

If things aren't going right in my life, it's not because of politicians, it's because of my own bullshit and I own that shit. Many of you should learn how to man the fuck up and do the same instead of placing blame. There are a bunch of crybabies in this forum. Man the fuck up! Have some anonymous internet dignity for fucks sake. Lol

Too many F-words in a post perhaps? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Politicians may not have any influence over your personnel life such as the career path one chooses, where you live, how you invest and manage finances ect. But they make the Laws that can have an impact on your decision making. But in and of itself Politicians have absolutely no influence over the way I live my life. I follow politics for the sole purpose of staying abreast of what the enemy is up too. That's pretty much how I view today's Political scene.
HoHound's Avatar
Man the fuck up! Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Democrats are the party of LGBTQ, transgenderism, “toxic masculinity”, 50 genders, pregnant men, and an overall hatred of the patriarchy and the nuclear family. And here we have a Democrat voter telling us to “man up.” Unreal, these people.
ManSlut's Avatar
I'll keep this simple. How specifically is YOUR personal life materially affected by the government? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Democrats are the party of LGBTQ, transgenderism, “toxic masculinity”, 50 genders, pregnant men, and an overall hatred of the patriarchy and the nuclear family. And here we have a Democrat voter telling us to “man up.” Unreal, these people. Originally Posted by HoHound
Weh, weh, weh, Cheap Charlie…Lucas said he’d make it simple, but it seems that was too much for you, so I will requote it…He asked, “How specifically is your material life affected by the government?”

And Lucas is on record here of being neither Democrat or Republican and he didn’t vote for President in 2016 or 2020 because he didn’t like the candidates, the same as me, though I have mainly been a RINO Republican my entire life, but I will always vote for the best candidate, no matter the Party.
Actually a lot, and not in a good way. Government regs cause inflation and often times make things less safe. Example, the anti collusion crap on cars is a "safety" feature, but they can slam your brakes on with no notice and you will get rear ended.

There are plenty of other horrible regulations that only give power to Washington DC but don't have any real benefit.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Democrats are the party of LGBTQ, transgenderism, “toxic masculinity”, 50 genders, pregnant men, and an overall hatred of the patriarchy and the nuclear family. And here we have a Democrat voter telling us to “man up.” Unreal, these people. Originally Posted by HoHound
What the does that have to do with my question? Should I have used larger font for "YOUR"? I put it in all caps, bold and even added an underline to the word to emphasize it in the question. What the fuck more should I have done for you to comprehend a simple question? Everyone else understood it, but you obviously did not. I didn't ask it for a troll anti Dem rant. LOL

Anyway, as Manny stated, I'm very clear that I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I vote for the person and not the party... nice try though
Politicians may not have any influence over your personnel life such as the career path one chooses, where you live, how you invest and manage finances ect. But they make the Laws that can have an impact on your decision making. But in and of itself Politicians have absolutely no influence over the way I live my life. I follow politics for the sole purpose of staying abreast of what the enemy is up too. That's pretty much how I view today's Political scene. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Sad that you think Dems are the enemy. Dems do way more for the common folk than the real enemy of the the people, Republicans....
Sad that you think Dems are the enemy. Dems do way more for the common folk than the real enemy of the the people, Republicans.... Originally Posted by royamcr
I never mentioned anything about Republicans or Democrats. So why did you?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I'll keep this simple. How specifically is YOUR personal life materially affected by the government? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
To keep this thread on track, I'll quote the question from the shithead who started the thread. I could be wrong, but I think that asshole was referring to the government as a whole, and not any specific party.

Edit: I see the post below. DN, I am not asking how the government affects individuals (plural) because that is subjective, but I am looking for an individual (singular) objective answer because one can speak from a personal perspective.
DNinja69's Avatar
Manny, your father was a wise man. I'm sure he would have had plenty of words of wisdom for some of the crybabies in this forum who believe their world is ending because of fucking politics.

Sorry for your loss. Your dad sounds like he was a good and thoughtful man. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You have a solid point in terms of we all have to rub some dirt on it and play the game whatever that might be in the moment. But to the question how does gov't affect an individual? Depends on your

For people who live in an area where there RV costs $5000 a year to own or in areas where local gov't buys then resells electricity at 3x fair market with no other alternatives they would disagree. States where people pay 10% or more tax on groceries are also victims of bad government.

Last I heard our bumblefuck President thinks hiring around 100,000 snoops to monitor our taxpayer habits is a good idea.
More victims coming...