Like son..... HUNTER INDICTED !!!!

TryWeakly's Avatar
About foooking time !!!!

Suprising, yet still funny. One down, two to go.......Joe and JimBob.

WASHINGTON -- President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden has been indicted by special counsel David Weiss on felony gun charges.

The charges bring renewed legal pressure on the younger Biden after a plea agreement he struck with prosecutors imploded in recent months.

The younger Biden has been charged with two counts related to false statements in purchasing the firearm and a third count on illegally obtaining a firearm while addicted to drugs. The two counts of making false statements carry sentences of up to 10 years and five years, respectively, while the possession charge carries a sentence of up to 10 years.
pittlicker's Avatar
A "political" figure getting indicted. Sounds somewhat familiar.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Well the dumbass DID leave the visual evidence on his laptop..............
I heard they will be arresting Joe for not raising his kid right, lol.
Hunter is not trumpy's son. If he was he would only need 99 more indictments to keep up

Do they really jail people for that??? America would need a lot more jails. Shirley they can find another really major crime to go with this lol
... Too right, Try.

This is all getting very legal very quickly.

... I have NO official comment on "JimBob"...
Me 'political insiders" do hold the belief that.. uh...
Lemme just say that the "Lyre birds" have surely taken flight.

Oh, uh... Lyre-birds have NOTHING to do with LIES or LYING.
They "SING" ... Kinda like ... a canary does.

... Hmmmm... Wasn't David Weis that fellow who first offoured
Hunter the "sweetheart" plead deal??

And look at him NOW!

#### Salty
Charged Hunter with a crime that he’ll likely never get convicted of. This particular crime won’t pass muster since he was not on drugs when the form was completed. Poor Weiss is headed for pie on face.

And let’s be honest, he’ll never see a day of prison since the day after the election he’ll be pardoned. Same with the taxes.

Nothing of this has anything at all to do with Joe Biden. Hunter isn’t a political figure, unless you’re a Republican, which just says something about how stupid they are since 2016.
Charged Hunter with a crime that he’ll likely never get convicted of. This particular crime won’t pass muster since he was not on drugs when the form was completed. Poor Weiss is headed for pie on face.

And let’s be honest, he’ll never see a day of prison since the day after the election he’ll be pardoned. Same with the taxes.

Nothing of this has anything at all to do with Joe Biden. Hunter isn’t a political figure, unless you’re a Republican, which just says something about how stupid they are since 2016. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
They should have drug tested him, lol.
Hunter is the most important political figure in the history of Maga as determined by magas
You notice the Justice Department, also known as the Chief Lackeys of the DNC, indicted Hunter on the only charge that Sleaze Bag Joe had no part in.

All if the crooked influence peddling, off shore bank accounts, selling out to ant adversary as long as “The Big Guy” gets his cut……ignored.

It would be great if this Judge would see though this charade and sentence Hunter to about 15 years, which in Federal Prison is real time.

But don’t hold your breath.

I would bet on 3 to 5, suspended.
Biden's doj just serving Biden well...omg he bought a gun. Let's throw the Maga morons a bone lol

Speaking of trumpy pardons on gun and other charges...
How many pardons did trumpy issue in first 3ish years? A bunch

How many for Biden? A big ZERO. Biden should mare hunter first
Hunter is not trumpy's son. If he was he would only need 99 more indictments to keep up

Do they really jail people for that??? America would need a lot more jails. Shirley they can find another really major crime to go with this lol Originally Posted by Tsmokies
We know that. He's Joe Biden's son, at least that's what his mother said, lol.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Charged Hunter with a crime that he’ll likely never get convicted of. This particular crime won’t pass muster since he was not on drugs when the form was completed. Poor Weiss is headed for pie on face.

And let’s be honest, he’ll never see a day of prison since the day after the election he’ll be pardoned. Same with the taxes.

Nothing of this has anything at all to do with Joe Biden. Hunter isn’t a political figure, unless you’re a Republican, which just says something about how stupid they are since 2016. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

if you say so
if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

I do. And so does the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals

And Fox

And others

Like I said, I suspect there will not be a day of jail and unlikely an actual trial or conviction. This is much ado about getting the Republicans to shut up without actually doing anything.
Maybe just maybe now that hunter has been indicted they will focus on Jared. Jared went to the middle east. His wife is happy with the payoff. Top secrets are very valuable

They don't need daddy no bucks anymore. They can be accepted in new York society again lol.

Or just take the money and run because they are trumps. The name worth another corruption scandal and zero billion dollars