Best Strip club in DFW - please advice

I am sort of new to strip club scene, can you guys please help this strip club amateur by showing the way to a pleasureable evening.
billw1032's Avatar
First off, I'd recommend that you read a few threads in this forum. For example, here are a couple you may find useful that are still on the first page:

Here's a brief summary. The Dallas Clubs most frequently mentioned here are BDD and Buck's. If you prefer BYOB nude (I don't) then there's Buck's Wild. If you're looking for Extras, then avoid Friday and Saturday nights because it's too busy. Try other nights, or better yet day shift. If you just want a party atmosphere, then you can try Friday or Saturday night, but you may be disappointed.

There's a LOT more to know about the SC scene. Be wary, it's very easy to get ripped off. If you're new at this, you could benefit from reading this forum. But the only way to really learn is to jump in and try it, then learn from experience.