CPT Savajo's Avatar
I do not deny that their is a price to pay- obviously something has to give- if I personally have the option of going through an X-ray and being "searched" with the security of knowing that I have a 99.9999% chance of arriving to my destination- or to avoid secuirty checks and x-rays knowing there's a 50-50 chance I won't have the plane I am flying on hijacked or slammed into a building I will go with the extra pat down and security.
Now can companies do better than TSA??? Hell Yes- I actually think the govt should allow the airline companies to implement their own security. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Whats the purpose of the so-called air marshalls who are supposedly armed. That should be enough for airplane security, these guys can do their jobs. If you want to get your balls groped and cooked in an X-ray machine so be it.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
The troops have been coming home where have you been???? Did you expect Obama to have them home all in one day? Do you understand the logistics and time it takes to bring troops home or do you think all in one day they(troops) just pack up their bags and head to the airport? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Sure they've been coming home. As one unit comes back another one is sent overseas to take their place, thats how it works. Where have you been? Of course their not going to home in one day. However Obama could have already phased out the missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, he's been the chief for nearly 3 years now. There's no excuses. He gets a Nobel Peace Prize and then he starts a campaign in Libya via the U.N. Are you even paying attention to whats going on in the world?
TexTushHog's Avatar
The real media hasn't ignored the legally questionable aspects of the killing. There have been several stories, albeit somewhat superficial ones, in the major newspaper in the last day or two on this very issue. I wouldn't say Obama is getting a free ride on this issue at all.
By maintaining that the Obama accomplishments had nothing to do with what preceed his administration is just plain arrogance, piled on top of stupidity.

Only an Obama zombie would think/say somthing this dumb.

Oh and for the record please don't say that Obama was able to capture and kill these terrorist due to what Bush started or the Bush administration Intelligence- I say bullshit- Bush just 6 months after 9-11 said "he's not concerned" about Bin Laden nor is he spending any time thinking about OBL..." : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPTwsMEiI0g Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Nostdamas warned you the tall skinny man preaching peace he will destroy you from within hello open your eyes Originally Posted by bigdaddy354369
Where did you HEAR that? You damned sure didn't read it. The spelling and punctuation would have killed you!

I love people who open fortune cookies and then post the opinions they read on that sliver of paper. It is a crying shame they don't make you pass a third grade literacy test to vote! The Tea Terrorists just pass laws about photo I.D.'s to suppress the vote these days!
Yes indeed, just look at the results. A dictator who voluntarily stopped his WMD programs and threw them open to inspection was deposed ... Originally Posted by Iaintliein
You seem to forget that Bush had to call Blix and the rest of the weapons inspectors back to the U.S. AFTER Saddam Hussein allowed the inspections to resume so BUSH could start the dishonestly-conceived "Shock and Awe".

Read a book!

By the way, I want the troops home, too, and I do not support Obama's decision to keep them in harm's way. However, just like with Bush, many of us are not privy to all the classified information behind all the decisions.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Tea Terrorists just pass laws about photo I.D.'s to suppress the vote these days! Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Mendacity, mendacity! It’s so fascinating how those on the left can cry "foul" and always argue that requiring that all voters have an ID is too burdensome and expensive for the “average citizen”; yet, without a pause for breath can insist that everyone “buy” health insurance – which also has its own ID requirements. Nothing but mendacious duplicity from the left!

Mendacity, mendacity! It’s so fascinating how those on the left can cry "foul" and always argue that requiring that all voters have an ID is too burdensome and expensive for the “average citizen”; yet, without a pause for breath can insist that everyone “buy” health insurance – which also has its own ID requirements. Nothing but mendacious duplicity from the left! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Whats the purpose of the so-called air marshalls who are supposedly armed. That should be enough for airplane security, these guys can do their jobs. If you want to get your balls groped and cooked in an X-ray machine so be it. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
CPT- air marshalls are not on every flight- hey I am not gay so if they have to grope my "balls" to insure that I and other passengers can make it to our destination than that's the price I am going to have to pay- what good will an air marshall do if we assholes that try to put explosives in shoes and in underwear?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
By maintaining that the Obama accomplishments had nothing to do with what preceed his administration is just plain arrogance, piled on top of stupidity.

Only an Obama zombie would think/say somthing this dumb. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The proof is in the pudding Whirlway- you are just in denial- obviously Bush in his own words had better things or more important things on his plate(how to lie to America and invade Iraq) than capturing a man who 6 months earlier caused one of the largest attacks on American soil.
You just can't stomach the fact that in 3 years Obama's administration has captured and/or kill more Al-queada/Taliban militants than all over Bush's years combined- obviously the Bush administration either wasn't getting the intelligence or just plain simply was not getting the job done.
Read up on the Haqqini network- they and not the Taliban were some of the most extremist militants that operated inside Afghanistan/Pakistan this was a very big fish they caught!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WE, you are hysterical! Except where you denigrate a person who's son is out there to take a bullet for you. Otherwise, you are the quintessential establishment shill.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Don't actually read much, do you? I will not take the time to educate you, a few key strokes with google will do the job. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
So you are one of the sole people on this site who doesn't love shoving somebody's face into the shit when you can prove them wrong with a link? Go figure.

WE, you are hysterical! Except where you denigrate a person who's son is out there to take a bullet for you. Otherwise, you are the quintessential establishment shill. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No more denigration than you and many others use (myself included although I prefer individuals to groups).
And why is WE not hysterical when going after a soldier's father? His son serves, not him.

I put you with iaint because he used that "not gonna educate you" dodge which is just a variation of the "I don't know what thread it was" dodge for people who get caught playing fast and loose with facts. Go ahead and yuck that one up.
Of course you could put me in my place with some links but your unsupported claims of your opinions only reinforce my position.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, munch. Find a source that says a serviceman or woman ISN'T out there to take a bullet for us. There's enough air in your head to fill a Steiger tractor tire.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Ok, munch. Find a source that says a serviceman or woman ISN'T out there to take a bullet for us. There's enough air in your head to fill a Steiger tractor tire. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That must be why you spin your tires all the time. Your tractor tires have nothing but hot air in them. Try the calcium/water ballast.

In response to your request, Fuck Off.

For several reasons.

You know they're desperate when they ask for proof of a negative (How long have you not been beating your wife?).

Apparently you're having too much fun to realize I didn't make a statement one way or the other regarding their position in respect to bullets. Another thing you were sure of that was wrong. Strictly for my own edification I will say that having enlisted and ended up in 18th Airborne Corp from 1975 to 1978, I am aware from experience what a soldier's position in respect to a bullet is and the actions that may be required.

And finally, since you revel in yourself as a "source", a "source" that asks questions of others but refuses to answer them because you are just here for fun, I reiterate.

Fuck off.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-04-2011, 03:46 PM
Not just an ordinary twit... a mean nasty twit!