I got covid from the church last week

sat with some girl named Gr### small slender like 100 pound girl 2 days later got covid high fever all the symptons and tested positive for it. Still sick wont go back or anywhere SC releated for at least 3 weeks just to be safe FYI
Ericka xoxo's Avatar
This is why I don't go to church! jk

Get well soon!
Hunteradventurer's Avatar
So how do you know this is specifically where you contacted COVID? You have some kind of contact tracing that she or someone you came in contact tested positive. Is this the only time you have been out in public so you can specifically say you couldn’t have been exposed anywhere else. PS Erica xoxo, don’t think it’s the same kind of church you are thinking of LOL
  • pxmcc
  • 08-05-2022, 11:20 AM
just #thechurchakastjames..