Half vs Full

(Im sure this topic has been covered before. Bite me, im lazy to look the thread up)
Ladies, in all honesty... Is there a preference? Does more time mean quality? Do you dislike the client expecting so much in such a little time? Does half deserve the same quality? Should the "half" just be reserved for bng/daty? You get my point.
30 or 60?
Of course donation may play a big part in the response.
Randall Creed's Avatar
More time just means...longer. It means the session will go twice as long as it would for half. It shouldn't mean, well, since he's only doing half the time, she should ride his dick with half the intensity she would with a guy for full.

I don't like being done in 21 minutes, after I've paid for an hour. So why pay for an hour? Simple economics. If your boss pays you for 40 hours, yet found out that you only worked 28, I think he/she might be just a little bit miffed. Just saying.
  • jwood
  • 06-15-2014, 07:15 AM
Yea Creed when I order a double meat cheeseburger to go and get home to find a single meat I'm pissed.
OldGrump's Avatar
A half hour should be enough for a young guy to get his rocks off if that is all he wants.

There is so much more to this hobby though. An hour is barely enough to make it feel like you have had a good visit with a lovely lady. Conversation and caressing are a big part of it to some of us. Creating a bond - even if just for a session - goes a long way towards the pleasure of the final act.

Both time frames are offered by many providers. Except when specified otherwise, all normal activities are on the table.

Just don't push a 30 minute session beyond its limits. That is like shoplifting.
There are different levels of service and different providers. Half an hour (or less) may be sufficient for some guys and some providers, but I have found that less than an hour doesn't work well for me and my service level. I treat my clients like people and like to take a little time to get to know them before proceeding to other things. The types of clients I see appreciate this and few have ever just jumped straight into "activities."

I offered half hour sessions a couple years ago because it seemed the popular thing to do, but what I found is guys tend to go over the allocated time and not willing to compensate appropriately for the extra time. It just felt to me that some of the guys were getting the benefits of a full hour, for the price of half. After several times of this, I quit offering sessions of less than one hour. I let clients know that I have a one hour minimum booking time, but if they need to leave early, they are welcome to do so, but that's on them.

I honestly don't mind less volume and my clients appreciate this as well.
ck1942's Avatar
Both "side" of the equation should be totally comfortable with any session.

Longer, shorter, overnight, etc. makes little difference in the "grand scheme of things."

That said, both Grump and Gwen make very valid points for me.

For many of us, male or female, any "new to me" or "new to you" session starting with zero previous face-to-face contact means something new and as yet unexplored (granted, BnG's are the obvious exception) is about to happen.

Which is why I mostly prefer to meet & greet first, if possible, and the frequent events in San Antonio and Austin allow me the luxury of first seeing if there's some "chemistry," "communication" and the possibility of "companionship" prior to any "copulation."

Good topic and thanks, OP, for raising it..
Great points. I can understand either position. You have all these activities you want, or envision how it will play out. Some you may fit in a half, others you may need the full. I can see how a server may feel rushed to have to perform in a short time or else get wrongly reviewed. Those who just need a good half may also wonder if the server is underperforming.
What it boils down to is that if 30 is offered, one should not expect fireworks. But also, one should not expect an eye wandering, distracted, absent server.
...with that being said, who is available for a Dirty 30 with this daddy. Lol!!
Enjoy your day.
doug_dfw's Avatar
A half hour should be enough for a young guy to get his rocks off if that is all he wants.

There is so much more to this hobby though. An hour is barely enough to make it feel like you have had a good visit with a lovely lady. Conversation and caressing are a big part of it to some of us. Creating a bond - even if just for a session - goes a long way towards the pleasure of the final act.

Both time frames are offered by many providers. Except when specified otherwise, all normal activities are on the table.

Just don't push a 30 minute session beyond its limits. That is like shoplifting. Originally Posted by OldGrump
There are different levels of service and different providers. Half an hour (or less) may be sufficient for some guys and some providers, but I have found that less than an hour doesn't work well for me and my service level. I treat my clients like people and like to take a little time to get to know them before proceeding to other things. The types of clients I see appreciate this and few have ever just jumped straight into "activities."

I offered half hour sessions a couple years ago because it seemed the popular thing to do, but what I found is guys tend to go over the allocated time and not willing to compensate appropriately for the extra time. It just felt to me that some of the guys were getting the benefits of a full hour, for the price of half. After several times of this, I quit offering sessions of less than one hour. I let clients know that I have a one hour minimum booking time, but if they need to leave early, they are welcome to do so, but that's on them.

I honestly don't mind less volume and my clients appreciate this as well. Originally Posted by SimplyGwen
Amen. I am just the same- slam bam thank you m'am has never been exercised by me and if the reverse happens, generally a No review and at least scratched of the repeat list. Also when I see BNG offered, I move on. When I see 30 mins, I increase my duedilly
daty/o's Avatar
There are many valid reasons why a gentleman would need or prefer a shorter session. For me, 60 - 90 mins is optimal, but not always possible. Rather than not play at all, I settle. And if a lady chooses not to offer hhrs, that is her prerogative. But I have a great deal of respect and admiration for the many Dallas girls that not only do them, but do them well.
Better question: who is the lovely in your profile picture daty/o?
daty/o's Avatar
I wish I knew. Just the ideal position for my handle.