How are the strip clubs?

I've been staying away from them for a few weeks now (I don't want to get in to a political discussion about it, plus I'm working tons lately). But, this working is needing some stress relief.

Is the mileage pretty good for now, while they're open? I was hoping to just buy content online but I'm sitting here waiting on 4 amateurs to reply back.
Just saw on the news Gregg Abbott put an executive Order to close all bars. I'm Guessing strip clubs will be closing soon.
Vegas is doing drive by dances from the strippers . Heard it on sirius radio. Lol.
How can we keep them open? Are they considered a bar?

I know this is 2 weeks, for now. But, is there a way they can maybe have 4 girls, 4 guys can make appointments, and have 1-2 extra works around for security. There's your 10.

We get little rooms. Do our thing. Go home.
that sucks was about to visit Tex Mex wish i had Rubys number
Bill James's Avatar
I think those girls will be looking for work.
upandcumer's Avatar
everything is closed! even calling girls directly for a private session is a no-go. thankfully, we have online porn!
actually one dancer in CC doing private dances for groups of guys
encognito956's Avatar
R2Dtwo Me and juniorrgv have tried and she never wanted to do outcall. Would only do shit at the club
i like my milfs too bad
encognito956's Avatar
Club is opening today...text the manager he’s my homeboy...everything is a go
Eagle 300's Avatar
Anyone been to any strip club now that it’s open? How’s the vibe and action?
Eagle 300's Avatar
Anyone been to any strip club now that it’s open? How’s the vibe and action?
encognito956's Avatar
Vibes good and girls are more than only difference is the staff has to wear a mask
Would it be weird to wear a mask as a customer at Tex mex?