Obama Campaign Accepts $2 Million in (Very Likely) Illegal Donations in Just Sept. Alone

They are saying that the money is from foreigners, which is illegal. They probably from his Muslim friends, but who knows? There is no way to tell, however, this man has a lot to hide.

TexTushHog's Avatar
Read the story. It shows that one British guy deliberately made $10 in illegal contributions. The $2M figure in Rupert Murdoch's right wing rag is all contributions from all area codes that are incompletely entered or have typos. What bullshit!!!
Read the story. It shows that one British guy deliberately made $10 in illegal contributions. The $2M figure in Rupert Murdoch's right wing rag is all contributions from all area codes that are incompletely entered or have typos. What bullshit!!! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
From source:
"Obama’s re-election campaign took in $130,867 from donors who provided no ZIP codes and $2 million from those with incomplete ZIPs in September."