
What Is the proper etiquette on tipping
when you've had subpar service with the waitress at a 5 star
Am I wrong for expecting exceptional service from the waitress, I
mean she Is the one who chose the job.

Some of these folks act like It will add
another wrinkle on their face If they greeted you with a smile
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
I know I went to a place the other day and the woman acted like I was asking for so much when I asked for extra condiments, I even gave her two bucks for the extra and she still acted like it was just too much! My thinking is and this goes in any thing, if you aren't happy where you are then get out of it because I hate when people act like a victim to hard work or something. You get paid for your job. As long as you aren't disrespected or harmed, smile and ask how I'm doing because that's what you get paid to do.
myren1900's Avatar
Number of stars shouldn't matter.
I usually just leave 10% if it is way below expected service level to show my disapproval. The waiter still make money for their work. I would not consider not leaving any tip at all.
runkle's Avatar
ive been there before, i know how it is. If its just okay service, i give 15%, for good service i give 20%, for above average to excellent service i give from 25-50%. It would have to be really shitty service for me to give 10% or less, which i have done.....
turbo-dog's Avatar
I usually give 15-20%. Bad service gets 10%. It has to be very bad or a rude server for me to give less than 10%, I've probably only given less than 5 times in many years.
DallasRain's Avatar
If the service is good,I tip 15%...but if it is subpar I leave a few bucks.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
If the service is good,I tip 15%...but if it is subpar I leave a few bucks. Originally Posted by DallasRain
meet_the_focker's Avatar
If the service goes beyond and above standard, I have been known to leave a 25-50% tip.

If the service is standard, 12-15%

If the service is below standard, no more than 10%

If the service is shitty, a nice shiny penny with a note explaining why.
holmes50's Avatar
+1 P, all I want is good service. I am the easiest person to to wait on when alone. However, if dining with my son or a date then I expect a little more as in do your job. If the service is good then I'm always good for 20-25%. Lousy service equates to a few bucks.
SknyDiva's Avatar
Servers get paid 2.13/hr... Taxes usually take that entire check. So quite literally their only source of income is your tips. On top of that, you have to tipout bussers, back wait, bartenders, etc.... Always tip 20%. they won't get to keep the full 20% anyway. If you really feel like you've been given bad service, 15%. My daughter was a server for 3 yrs and can't tell you how many shifts she came home upset because people treated her poorly. not just customers but her coworkers or managers. If people aren't working together it's chaos. If everything in the restaurant isn't running smoothly then a lot of the times the server is trying to make the best of a situation for you. sometimes it's hard to smile in that line of work. You are possibly the 30th face they've seen complain about the chicken being cold, but they don't cook the chicken. And if someone seems flustered about condiments, it's because there are several things the have to besides that. The list grows. It's called being in the weeds. And you won't be the only person upset if they don't finish everything in time.

And seriously, don't let 5 stars fool you. The restaurant could be managed by a fucking walking Asshole and your hamburger could have been green before it was cooked on the grill. youd have no clue.

Clearly there are some people who really do get downright bad service. But for the most part I'd say 90% of servers take pride in giving you a great experience. Shit just happens sometimes. They are making the best of it for you.

And remember. Some of y'all get paid $200-$300 an hour and some of y'all got the money to pay hoes that charge $200-$300 an hour... Servers aren't getting jack shit and are face to face with the general public all the time. Which coincidentally might be some of y'all. Y'all might be the assholes everyone's talking about. Feel privileged.
meet_the_focker's Avatar
I have been to Paris France 7 times, they hate anybody who isn't french. The wait staff at most restaurants are very rude.

That's when I leave a penny. I can't tell you how much I dislike the french.
Great points. There is so much else that goes into whether or not a customer has a good experience at a restaurant. But probably because the wait staff are the folks that engage with customers, they take on most of the blame when things go wrong.

I've never worked in a restaurant, but some of my friends have. I've heard too many horror stories of servers working a full shift, and barely coming home with any money (unconscionably less than minimum wage) for me to not tip.

Servers get paid 2.13/hr... Taxes usually take that entire check. So quite literally their only source of income is your tips. On top of that, you have to tipout bussers, back wait, bartenders, etc.... Always tip 20%. they won't get to keep the full 20% anyway. If you really feel like you've been given bad service, 15%. My daughter was a server for 3 yrs and can't tell you how many shifts she came home upset because people treated her poorly. not just customers but her coworkers or managers. If people aren't working together it's chaos. If everything in the restaurant isn't running smoothly then a lot of the times the server is trying to make the best of a situation for you. sometimes it's hard to smile in that line of work. You are possibly the 30th face they've seen complain about the chicken being cold, but they don't cook the chicken. And if someone seems flustered about condiments, it's because there are several things the have to besides that. The list grows. It's called being in the weeds. And you won't be the only person upset if they don't finish everything in time.

And seriously, don't let 5 stars fool you. The restaurant could be managed by a fucking walking Asshole and your hamburger could have been green before it was cooked on the grill. youd have no clue.

Clearly there are some people who really do get downright bad service. But for the most part I'd say 90% of servers take pride in giving you a great experience. Shit just happens sometimes. They are making the best of it for you.

And remember. Some of y'all get paid $200-$300 an hour and some of y'all got the money to pay hoes that charge $200-$300 an hour... Servers aren't getting jack shit and are face to face with the general public all the time. Which coincidentally might be some of y'all. Y'all might be the assholes everyone's talking about. Feel privileged. Originally Posted by SknyDiva
DiscoStick's Avatar
I've read that 25% of all people at dine-in restaurants leave no tip,
25% leave 10% or less,
25% leave 20%,
and the remaining 25% leave more than a 20% tip.

So 50% leave 10% or less. These are probably the same 50% who don't wash their hands before leaving the restrooms at Hooters which I have consistently seen with my own eyes. Cheap and Dirty.
I usually give 20 to 25% because their wages are so low and they live on tips.
I usually give 20 to 25% because their wages are so low and they live on tips. Originally Posted by deltaray
Even If bad service?