Who Is The Blame For Walter Scott's Death?


Why would a man who has been stopped on a routine traffic violation suddenly run from the scene. What did he fear so much that would compell hi, to take such an action.

Read the link. It's not that long, and gives a good insight into the mentality of men who have a justified fear of any contact with a law enforcement officer.

You might not agree with it, but these arcane laws have resulted in the death of a man, and the ruination of the life of a Police Officer.

Why would a man who has been stopped on a routine traffic violation suddenly run from the scene. What did he fear so much that would compell hi, to take such an action.

Read the link. It's not that long, and gives a good insight into the mentality of men who have a justified fear of any contact with a law enforcement officer.

You might not agree with it, but these arcane laws have resulted in the death of a man, and the ruination of the life of a Police Officer. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Excellent read. The second paragraph really spells it out for me. The thought of getting shot was abstract to him. The fear that he might go to jail, which he had before for the very thing he was worried about, was very real to him. We will never know exactly what was going through his head, but you're right, it led to his death and a police officer is probably going to spend a fair amount of the rest of his life behind bars. No one wins in situations like these. Also, why is a guy still being forced to pay child support to a child that is 27 years old?
His mother stated she had run from the police.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Uh, my guess is the cop is to blame.
Uh, my guess is the cop is to blame. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Think about that for a minute.

A cop pulls a person over for a traffic stop. The person does not own the car, tells the cop he doesn't have the paperwork, or something to that affect.

The cop does what all cops do, runs a check for warrants or wants. The guy suddenly takes off.

The cop now has to make a decision. Just let him go, or pursue. After all, most people who have done nothing wrong just decide to take off during a traffic stop.

A scuffle results, the cop does not know what he was dealing with. The taser failed. The man is still trying to get away.
The cop then makes a fatal decision. He shoots.

This all started when Walter Scott decided to run.

On Orielly tonight, Hiraldo Rivera made a good case that the State will make a big mistake if they charge the cop with murder, rather than manslaughter. The case might not meet the requirements of murder.


Of course, it makes no difference to the cop. His life is over. His wife and kids, who he supported, (contrary to Mr Scott), will live in poverty.

All because Walter Scott, by his fleeing, put an Officer in a terrible position where he made a horrible decision.

So, I go back to my initial question. Why did Walter Scott run, and who is responsible for putting men into a position where they fear contact with the police to that degree to compell them to run from any encounter.

And in doing so, escalates the situation to the extent that results in the needless death of a man.
Let me guess!

Drum Roll, Please!

It's Obama's fault!

How did I do?
Double post!
dirty dog's Avatar
Nothing I have seen so far is justification for the officer shooting the man, he shot him in the back for gods sake. There was no danger to the officer, or anyone else. Personally I feel it was premeditated. The officer made a conscious decision to shoot a man in the back, manslaughter I don't think so.
Interesting and thought-provoking but trying to utilize whatever reason Walter Scott was running away for as an excuse, rationalization or justification for what the cop did is way off the mark. He shot that man down like a dog. Ended his life. And then lied about it and tried to cover it up. When we reach the point where we condone this type of behavior from cops (or anybody else for that matter) the system is breaking down. I don't care what sort of systemic problems might exist in relation to child support arrears and black men. You can't have a civilized society where cops can just gun down people who have ceased posing a threat and are retreating or running away. Shit, a civilian who did what we have all seen in that video would be charged the same as this cop.
Who is to blame for Walter Scott's death? The cop. Just for clarity, the cop is to blame. He was too fucking lazy to do his job and pursue a suspect on foot while radioing for back up. End of story.

Walter Scott certainly won't win any Father of the Year awards. The media can stop with the "family man" bullshit, because we now know he wasn't. He was just an absent sperm donor. An Old School Baby Daddy, before the term was even coined. He was also monumentally stupid for trying to run. But now, because Officer Friendly was too lazy to chase down an over the hill fat man, he is also a murder victim.

Walter Scott was stupid, but the cop is plain and simply a killer.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Is there any evidence other than the cop being white that this was because of race?

Just asking.
Is there any evidence other than the cop being white that this was because of race?

Just asking. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
According to the OP, there is.....black men don't pay child support. So, they run from cops and when the cop makes a monumentally bad judgment call and shoots the black man to death.....it's the black man's fault for ruining the white cop's life.
I think you are all missing my point. I'm too tired to clarify it tonight.
I will say this. The cop was wrong. He will pay.
According to the OP, there is.....black men don't pay child support. So, they run from cops and when the cop makes a monumentally bad judgment call and shoots the black man to death.....it's the black man's fault for ruining the white cop's life. Originally Posted by timpage
I think you are all missing my point. I'm too tired to clarify it tonight.
I will say this. The cop was wrong. He will pay. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I think you're off Tim. I don't think he was using this as example of justification of why the man was shot. I think he was trying to use it to take us into the mind of a black man, like Scott, and give us a reason why he would run.
Who is to blame for Walter Scott's death? The cop. Just for clarity, the cop is to blame. He was too fucking lazy to do his job and pursue a suspect on foot while radioing for back up. End of story.

Walter Scott certainly won't win any Father of the Year awards. The media can stop with the "family man" bullshit, because we now know he wasn't. He was just an absent sperm donor. An Old School Baby Daddy, before the term was even coined. He was also monumentally stupid for trying to run. But now, because Officer Friendly was too lazy to chase down an over the hill fat man, he is also a murder victim.

Walter Scott was stupid, but the cop is plain and simply a killer. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
You don't know this. Everyone who is shot is someone's kid. Someone's brother or sister, uncle or aunt.

At the top of this article there's a photo of him from 2005 with his kids. Don't presume to know that you are acutely aware of someone's unique situation because of what you read or hear. He wasn't stupid. And the fact you think he was proves the point of the article that the OP posted went right over your head.

And the sad fact is that there may not have even been a warrant out for his arrest.
