Millenials Don't Trust Fox News

Big surprise. The young people don't trust Faux News. It's all you old fuckers with dead peckers that are watching.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Data shows more millennials watch Fox than CNN and MSNBC combined.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
For a grammar Nazi you'd think that Baby Killer would realize that FAUX is pronounced F O and not FOX. What a moron.
  • shanm
  • 06-02-2015, 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Who knew that a bunch of Long Island beach goers wouldn't give a fuck about politics? Great work detective O'Idiot.

Next episode takes place in IB's repubtarded, hillbilly, trailer-trash neighborhood.
I think all of the Watters World segments are staged.

I find it difficult to believe that people could be that ignorant.
Don't know, Leno had a segment called "Jaywalking" he had a lot of simple current questions, some of the answers were scary.
Data shows more millennials watch Fox than CNN and MSNBC combined.

FACT JACK Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Watching and agreeing with are two different things. I watch fox news, like I watch a car accident.

"Fox News is losing younger viewers at an even faster rate than its competitors. With a median viewer age now at 68 according to Nielsen data through mid-January (compared with 60 for MSNBC and CNN, and 62 to 64 for the broadcast networks), Fox is in essence a retirement community ... If it is actuarially possible, its median viewer age will keep creeping upward."
For a grammar Nazi you'd think that Baby Killer would realize that FAUX is pronounced F O and not FOX. What a moron. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Goddamn, you are dumber than I previously thought. It's not about the way it's pronounced, you fucking mental midget.

Faux - made in imitation; artificial.

It's a statement on them being bullshit. Who's the moron now, dipshit?
I think all of the Watters World segments are staged.

I find it difficult to believe that people could be that ignorant. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I wish you were correct Jackie, but I don't think so.....
Data shows more millennials watch Fox than CNN and MSNBC combined.

FACT JACK Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Fox is for 'tards like you who need to have their biased opinions reinforced.

Christ, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Megyn whats her fuck.... and the rest.....smarmy shitbags whose purpose is not journalism and uncovering truth but making money. When the point of the news becomes profit, we're fucked.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You Libtards kill me. You confuse opinion programs with news programs. You've been so brainwashed by the mainstream media that when you actually hear 2 sides to a story you think it's bias and jump on the let's bash Fox News bandwagon. You believe that Fox News is responsible for all the ills in the word and that anyone who disagrees with Obama or the progressive ideology is racist or evil and must be shouted down or silenced You live in an alternate reality, what right is wrong and what's wrong is right..

Grow up.
I think all of the Watters World segments are staged.

I find it difficult to believe that people could be that ignorant. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It's staged in that certain people are chosen and some of those people's answers are chosen to be aired.

But no, there are people that ignorant out there. That's how Obama was elected.

Half the strippers in Houston would forget their boobs if they weren't bolted on.
  • shanm
  • 06-02-2015, 08:18 PM
Data shows more millennials watch Fox than CNN and MSNBC combined.

FACT JACK Originally Posted by Whirlaway

I watch fox news. It's like comedy. I laugh uncontrollably while Bill and Hannity talk over any "guest" that has a different point of view. Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace were the only two who used to have any credibility, but they too have recently degenerated into nothing more than political hacks.

I'll always remember Richard Dawkins on O'reilly's show. It appeared as if an intelligent human being was getting interviewed by an inbred chimp.

Jesus Christ, I can't believe some of you actually take them seriously.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
See... Confusing commentary with news. No wonder you're so fucked up.