I'm gonna be dick and say it...

never mind. Don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings
wtfyourfired's Avatar
This should be interesting
wtfyourfired's Avatar
I see these dudes leaving reviews like they are the shit cause they had a threesome or cause they are on their 100th review. Let's just call it as it is:
You are not the man cause you had a threesome with two hot chicks, you paid for it to happen. Now if you brought home 2 banging girls from the bar then that's a different story. Anyone, literally anyone can have a banging hot threesome as long as they have the $$$.
And if your proud of yourself for posting your 100th review, well I'm sorry, but I wouldn't be proud of myself for having spent over 25k in pussy. That's just sad.
Now in not saying I'm better then you, but truthfully I've only seen like 2 provider on here just to try something I've never done before.
I'm also not dissing any of the ladies on here. Hell, nobody would be dumb enough to turn down $300 an hour. I'm sure the ladies will hate on me for this to protect their "investment" and that fine. I just feel that their is a fine line between a "playboy" and "pathetic
This should be interesting
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 06-11-2016, 10:43 AM
Well everyone knows you are a dick, so might as well say it now.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-11-2016, 05:14 PM
Dudder, so kind of you to assess everyone else on here without knowing their situation. Posting reviews is not about "bragging" for most of us. If that is what you think it is, I reiterate my first comment: you don't know the situation very well.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
It doesn't matter who it is or what kind of reviews he posts. If he's posted 100 or more reviews, he probably has been around long enough to earn the respect of the ladies and the gents.
Reviews make it easier to screen or get a feel for the guy. We can see what happened in previous sessions and that will let us know if we'd be a good fit.
Reviews also let you guys know the same thing. It lets you know what we may be willing to do. And lets you guys know that we are legit.

As for the review being with two ladies - that is personal choice. Some guys could do that in the hobby because they might be married and the wife isn't into it. Or just because that's what he wants and he likes watching or being the focus of attention.
to each is own. hell I used to be that guy who spent $1500-$2000 a month on Providers but that was 10 years ago.. now I barely spend $2000 a year
"now I barely spend $2000 a year"

and some of that is for physical therapy for a sprained wrist!

( sorry, couldn't resist)
"now I barely spend $2000 a year"

and some of that is for physical therapy for a sprained wrist!

( sorry, couldn't resist) Originally Posted by stikiwikit
sadly, some what true.. more like my back and hips are sore...
Everyone needs an outlet, nothing wrong with having fun with it. People can spend their money and have their fun however they want... Life is short. We are never guaranteed another day. My question is more along the lines of why others constantly feel the need to judge the way others enjoy living their life... is it because they judge themselves the same way? there's a lot of freedom when you abandon judgment. Let that sink in.

I would never look down on my clients who choose to give me a superfluous amount of money IF that's what they enjoy and are being fulfilled, they are adding joy to my life as well... So what's the big deal? We all pay for the things we enjoy in some way or ananother. If somebody makes the conscious choice to spend 25k on pussy and was decisive and happy about it then more power to him... As opposed to the self-debasing man who chooses to spend 300 every once in awhile but judges himself for it.

The key here is knowing your intentions, which unfortunately most people don't remain cognizant of. Oh, the purposeful man is a fearful thing...

People overthink things too much sometimes... Just have fun with it. Money isn't everything, if it is merely a means to an end for something that makes you happy then so be it.
mrhappysf's Avatar
I just love that the most thoughtful response was by someone who also has an ad up describing herself as a "Cumslut". Maybe the ad should state that you are a very thoughtful, wise cumslut. Though I bet it is hard to have an intelligent conversation if your mouth is always full ;-)
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah dun a few 3sums in mah day. They warn't bad but Ah only gots one peckerdillo an' e'ery time it shoots, it still takes tha same amount o' time ta reload no matter how menny fillies is a-suckin' an' a-tuggin' onnit. Fer meh, tha extree cost fer tha extree poosey layin' 'roundt idle jus' t'ain't cost-effectif!

Take tah-day fer 'xzample. Ah dun jackedt-off 3 times an' Ah'll prolly jack-off at least one mo' time a-fore Ah falls ta sleep. If'n Ah wuz sub-contractin' mah jizzload 'xtract-shun ta 2 fillies fer tha day it'd prolly cost meh over $1,000 fer tha hole day, an' thet's wif a Groupon an' mah AARP an' AAA discounts all rolled inta one. Count on $2-3K at full retail fer a couple gals all day an' inta tha night.

Nah sir, Ah'll stick ta jackin' off an' pretendin' thar's 2 fillies wif meh. Won't cost meh one penny.

Ah'll take "self-luv" fer $0, Mistah Trebek!
I just love that the most thoughtful response was by someone who also has an ad up describing herself as a "Cumslut". Maybe the ad should state that you are a very thoughtful, wise cumslut. Though I bet it is hard to have an intelligent conversation if your mouth is always full ;-) Originally Posted by mrhappysf
Smart heauxses! ?... Hogwash!

Don't cha be messin' up the empirical eccie evidence cycle, now!
I'm still waiting for him to say it?!!!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
I'm still waiting for him to say it?!!! Originally Posted by The Infamous One
Jus' read tha 3rd post inna thread, wtfyourfired's 2nd post. He quoted it a-fore tha OP erased it, jus' ta save it fer e'ery buddy thet got to tha thread late.