Beto O'Rourke: Ted Cruz 'guilty of sedition' in Capitol insurrection

  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2021, 09:08 AM

Beto O'Rourke: Ted Cruz 'guilty of sedition' in Capitol insurrection

Former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) said Monday that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), whom he ran against in 2018, is waging a protracted war of words with actor Seth Rogen as a distraction because the lawmaker is "guilty of sedition."
© Getty Images Beto O'Rourke: Ted Cruz 'guilty of sedition' in Capitol insurrection "Don't let him off the hook. Don't let him make this about 'Hollywood' - this is about Ted Cruz aiding and abetting an insurrection that killed 5 people including a cop and very nearly ended in the murders of members of Congress and the Vice President," O'Rourke tweeted, referencing the violent riots at the U.S. Capitol earlier this month.
"Why does he keep this fight going with Seth Rogen even though he's getting destroyed at every turn? Because he's guilty of sedition," O'Rourke added. "He's hoping distraction & time diminish the urgency of accountability. Don't let him change the channel or the subject, it is sedition every time."
Cruz was one of a handful of GOP senators who objected to President Biden's Electoral College victories in key states. Critics of the senators have accused them of inciting the mobs of former President Trump's supporters who stormed the Capitol, and numerous corporate donors have announced they will pull their support from lawmakers who participated in the challenge.

Both Cruz and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), the first to announce he would object to the results, are considered likely 2024 presidential contenders.
Cruz and the "Freaks & Geeks" star have sparred on Twitter recently, with the feud beginning when Rogen criticized Cruz's comments on Biden rejoining the Paris Climate Agreements. During the back-and-forth, Cruz called Rogen a "rich, angry Hollywood celebrity" while Rogen called Cruz a "a white supremacist fascist who doesn't find it offensive when someone calls your wife ugly."

beta beto is trying to make himself relevant to the texas electorate which finds him pathetic.
and - the DPST/ccp name-calling express rolls on -

anyone the hollyweird and DPST/ccp types disagree with - is a 'WHITE SUPREMACIST" - A "racist" by definition - after the directive of teh nycrimes rag.
yeah - DPST/ccp ers go right on ahead and demonize all people not of color in America.

See where it gets you in 2022.

As has been pointed out - the DPST/ccp OBLM agenda of violence, segregation, and sequestering minorities in shithole cities on welfare to subjugate them to the party will - is failing fast!
That failure is mirrored in teh desperation of the hollyweird types braying their discriminatory accusations over the LSM - which is almost completely devoid of truth, Fats, and relevance!

So - beta beto - fiden's 'gun czar' - when do you get to work confiscating all weapons in America???? I am sure all teh illegal alien criminals released to prey upon America by teh fiden cabal will be happy to receive free weapons as they walk out of prisons - courtesy of teh 'confiscated, dangerous weapons' removed from law-abiding American citizens hands - and placed in the hands of those who will use them to murder, rape, and commit any crime - now immune from any consequences and Rule of law - under the DPST/ccp fiden cabal.

That should be very interesting!
Ripmany's Avatar
I'm pretty sure he's not guilty of seduction with no masturbate to him
  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2021, 12:34 PM
if referring to beta beto - the 'guy' is still a virgin.

And very likely to remain so for life!
HedonistForever's Avatar
This would be interesting if it ever got to a court of law which it won't.

Definition of sedition

: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

Let's start with objecting to certification of electors. Sedition? Nope, right there in federal law that says a Senator can object to certifying electors and point to at least two previous times when Democrats did the same thing. Since the Senator was allowed by law to do what he did, the only other thing to look at would be his words previous to and during his speech on the floor of the House. Not quite sure what previous statements might be used but nothing in his speech that day could be interpreted as wanting to over turn an election because he stated "this is not about over turning an election".

So in fact, Beto wouldn't stand a chance in hell of proving sedition. He's just still butt hurt that his reputation was destroyed in the previous election cycle and Beto found out that literally nobody in or out of his party wanted him in a position of leadership and he had to find something to cry about and this is it.
  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2021, 01:17 PM
HF - I hope your are 'Right" - to use a banned word in teh DPST/ccp long list of banned words, ideas, concepts, and thoughts.
Never underestimate the cunning and ability of the DPST/cp to subvert - and their Star Chamber courts will happily take down anyone they are instructed to do so.

BTW - i read that the new terminology approved by the DPST.ccp - there is no 'right' or 'wrong' - There is only 'Left" and Conservative/republican.
winn dixie's Avatar
un beto is just a yapping dog at this point!
BO is just setting the table for his next Senate run.
  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2021, 02:07 PM
I am not sure which I like better - G - beta beto, or just BO!
I am not at all sure bet beto has the physical maturity to radiate any 'body odor'
Beto is almost as big a piece of political shit as Joe Biden.

Almost. .....
VitaMan's Avatar
Beto is no different than Platu.
This would be interesting if it ever got to a court of law which it won't.

Definition of sedition

: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority

Let's start with objecting to certification of electors. Sedition? Nope, right there in federal law that says a Senator can object to certifying electors and point to at least two previous times when Democrats did the same thing. Since the Senator was allowed by law to do what he did, the only other thing to look at would be his words previous to and during his speech on the floor of the House. Not quite sure what previous statements might be used but nothing in his speech that day could be interpreted as wanting to over turn an election because he stated "this is not about over turning an election".

So in fact, Beto wouldn't stand a chance in hell of proving sedition. He's just still butt hurt that his reputation was destroyed in the previous election cycle and Beto found out that literally nobody in or out of his party wanted him in a position of leadership and he had to find something to cry about and this is it. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Beto is a piece of shit just like every other member of Biden's Administration. None of them will do the right thing no matter what.

Originally Posted by GastonGlock
He's a disgrace to the human race. He thinks Patriots will sell their guns back to the Government, lol. I wonder if the idiot realizes the Government never owned them in the first place and nobody has an obligation to comply with his unconstitutional bullshit.
He's a disgrace to the human race. He thinks Patriots will sell their guns back to the Government, lol. I wonder if the idiot realizes the Government never owned them in the first place and nobody has an obligation to comply with his unconstitutional bullshit. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Damn right. Can't buy something back if you never owned it.

  • oeb11
  • 01-26-2021, 12:48 PM
GG - well posted good sir
when beta beto comes for your weapons - Just say 'No"!!!!!!!!