Labor unions lash out over job killing energy policies

  • oeb11
  • 01-26-2021, 06:21 AM

AN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:46 PM PT – Monday, January 25, 2021

Labor unions that endorsed Joe Biden are lashing out after he revoked the construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline.
The United Association of Union Plumbers, which backed the Democrat president, released a statement over the weekend which said, “sadly the Biden administration has now put thousands of union workers out of work.”
Biden’s executive order is expected to cut at least 11 thousand union jobs.
Rep. Bryan Steil (R-Wis.) said he was disgusted by the move.
“Joe Biden’s first day in office, he killed thousands of American jobs. Joe Biden killed hundreds of Wisconsin jobs,” Steil stated. “I find his decision disgusting.”
Gov. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) also slammed the job losses, saying “these aren’t just statistics, they’re lives and families.”
Comment - fiden just stabbed the DPSP/ccp supporting unions in the back. and will also destroy their medical benefits for the bernie plan No care for No body.

Good work - fiden!
ideology Uber alles!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Just tell yourself you sacrificed your job, perhaps your families future to save us from a President that pre- Covid, presided over the best economy in 50 years and the ability to be energy independent and free from OPEC. Maybe that will help you sleep better at night. I'm betting it won't.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-26-2021, 10:24 AM
Just tell yourself you sacrificed your job, perhaps your families future to save us from a President that pre- Covid, presided over the best economy in 50 years and the ability to be energy independent and free from OPEC. Maybe that will help you sleep better at night. I'm betting it won't. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
You're either a God damn liar or an silly ass parrot repeating that nonsense about it being the best economy in 50 years.


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Donald Trump
stated on September 29, 2020 in the first presidential debate:
Before the coronavirus pandemic, the United States had “the greatest economy in the history of our country.”
true false
Trucks haul shipping containers at a terminal on Harbor Island in Seattle in 2019. (AP) Trucks haul shipping containers at a terminal on Harbor Island in Seattle in 2019. (AP)
Trucks haul shipping containers at a terminal on Harbor Island in Seattle in 2019. (AP)

Louis Jacobson
By Louis Jacobson
October 1, 2020
Donald Trump’s dubious statement about presiding over ‘the greatest economy’ in history
• While unemployment was near historical lows under Trump, growth in gross domestic product was well below what previous presidents achieved, and other metrics such as wages and business investment ranged from decent to mediocre.

See the sources for this fact-check

During the first presidential debate in Cleveland, President Donald Trump repeated an assertion he’s made literally dozens of times.

When the novel coronavirus appeared, Trump said, "I had to close the greatest economy in the history of our country."

The U.S. economy prior to the coronavirus was strong. But it was not the best in the nation’s history, economists say.

The strongest evidence for Trump is the unemployment rate. On Trump’s watch, the unemployment rate plunged to levels that it hasn’t touched since the early 1950s. It appears to be the lowest peacetime unemployment rate over a three-year period, going back to the Great Depression, said Gary Burtless, an economist with the Brookings Institution.

Trump benefited from the continuation of trends that had been in place under the Obama recovery.

"While Trump can take some credit, I see it like the relief pitcher who comes in during the 9th inning with a seven-run lead, then boasts about winning the game," said Dean Baker, co-founder of the liberal Center for Economic and Policy Research. "It’s fine to get some credit for holding the lead, but this is much more an Obama story than a Trump story."

Growth in the nation’s gross domestic product — probably the single most important statistic used to gauge the overall strength of the economy — has been so-so on Trump’s watch. It didn’t reach his pledge of 4% growth a year, earning it a Promise Broken.

The annual increases in GDP under Trump were broadly similar to what they were during the final six years under his predecessor, Barack Obama. And GDP growth under Trump was well below that of prior presidents.

If you adjust GDP to take account of population, the picture remains weak for Trump. Calculations by Burtless found that inflation-adjusted GDP per capita increased 1.9% annually under Trump, which makes this three-year period the 16th highest among the past 30 non-overlapping three-year periods — right about average compared with his predecessors.

Economists added a couple other factors that cast doubt on the supremacy of the economy under Trump.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
What part of "Jobs" do you not understand is required to put food on a table, and pay a mortgage or rent.
No jobs have been lost by Biden so far. All the lost jobs are still on Trump. Biden has been president for 6 days. Trump for 4 years. First President in recent history with a net job loss. I can’t even see how that’s possible considering population growth. You’re crying about what you think is gonna happen (lemme help help you here, democrats have overseen better economies than republicans in every administration since Reagan after being handed shitty circumstances by Republicans that preceded them).

HF and UC just can’t see themselves admitting that Obama’s economy laid the groundwork for Trump to just let it flow. Numbers rarely lie, so if we look at the numbers, all the improvement from 2008-2016 set the path that 2016-2019 followed. If there were no dates on a graph you would never know where Obama ended and Trump began. The only thing you can clearly identify is where Trump ended because every number went to shit.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-26-2021, 12:27 PM
Just tell yourself you sacrificed your job, perhaps your families future to save us from a President that pre- Covid, presided over the best economy in 50 years and the ability to be energy independent and free from OPEC. Maybe that will help you sleep better at night. I'm betting it won't. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The annual increases in GDP under Trump were broadly similar to what they were during the final six years under his predecessor, Barack Obama. And GDP growth under Trump was well below that of prior presidents.

If you adjust GDP to take account of population, the picture remains weak for Trump. Calculations by Burtless found that inflation-adjusted GDP per capita increased 1.9% annually under Trump, which makes this three-year period the 16th highest among the past 30 non-overlapping three-year periods — right about average compared with his predecessors.

What part of "Jobs" do you not understand is required to put food on a table, and pay a mortgage or rent. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
My response was to the above posters nonsense.

Also you do understand that not all jobs are equal.
  • oeb11
  • 01-26-2021, 12:31 PM
No jobs have been lost by Biden so far. All the lost jobs are still on Trump. Biden has been president for 6 days. Trump for 4 years. First President in recent history with a net job loss. I can’t even see how that’s possible considering population growth. You’re crying about what you think is gonna happen (lemme help help you here, democrats have overseen better economies than republicans in every administration since Reagan after being handed shitty circumstances by Republicans that preceded them).

HF and UC just can’t see themselves admitting that Obama’s economy laid the groundwork for Trump to just let it flow. Numbers rarely lie, so if we look at the numbers, all the improvement from 2008-2016 set the path that 2016-2019 followed. If there were no dates on a graph you would never know where Obama ended and Trump began. The only thing you can clearly identify is where Trump ended because every number went to shit. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Keystone pipeline

Delusion and denial.

TDS and Trump Hatred.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Some of you are missing my point.
Regardless of party or who the current prez is of the ongoing asylum, jobs are jobs. And folks that lose jobs cause contracts are cancelled have long memories when it comes to feeding their kids.
Easy answer that has been borne out over generations. If you job evaporates, GET ANOTHER JOB. Whining doesn't feed the family. Might even get lucky and displace one of those illegal Mexicans that scaled the wall.
Typical dipshit logic screamed at us during Trump's administration will apparently continue on during biden's term ..... "No jobs have been lost by biden so far. All the lost jobs are still on Trunp." ..... So even when biden signs the executive order killing the pipeline and putting 11,000 people out of work, it's STILL Trump's fault! .....
No jobs have been lost by Biden so far. All the lost jobs are still on Trump. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Kinda like how all the economy upticks were by Obama, right?

If it's good = Obama/Biden did it

If it's bad = Trump did it

got it. 10/4.
  • oeb11
  • 01-27-2021, 06:27 AM
Easy answer that has been borne out over generations. If you job evaporates, GET ANOTHER JOB. Whining doesn't feed the family. Might even get lucky and displace one of those illegal Mexicans that scaled the wall. Originally Posted by reddog1951

Classic DPST/ccp

We screw people out of their jobs by EO - and do not do OneThing to repair the damage done by Ideology uber alles. Canada and mexico are both also damaged by fiden and his narxist cabal Mexico - in retaliation - will stop preventing caravans and border mobs at the southern border - destabilizing all border comunities which are over-run by gangs, traffickers, and criminals freely let into America.

which suits fiden, his cabal- and DPT/ccp zealots Just Fine

Remember - and Vote in 2022- if the corrupt Fiden cabal permits anything but a One party marxist vote on ballots .

and when they outlaw conservatism/republicans so send all their 'enemies' to the AOC camps - remember - Don't let them confiscate your self-defense.

thank you for showing teh true nature of the DPST/ccp party 'r'!
  • oeb11
  • 01-27-2021, 06:32 AM
Typical dipshit logic screamed at us during Trump's administration will apparently continue on during biden's term ..... "No jobs have been lost by biden so far. All the lost jobs are still on Trunp." ..... So even when biden signs the executive order killing the pipeline and putting 11,000 people out of work, it's STILL Trump's fault! .....

Thank you for a concise summation - 00!

It is The denial and delusions of the DPST/ccp zealots,minions, and servants.

Hoping for a lap at the fiden cabal government trough
Sadly - they will be disappointed - as all the largess goes to foreign dictatorships, support for China's military, and the DPST/ccp nomenklatura - who grow wealthy on
americans tax payments into their corrupt pockets - while laughing at the 'peasants' who believe their radical marxist ideology - only to screwed over into poverty unimaginable by the Ideology uber alles narrative.

yeah - fiden - that is the ticket to the Venezuelization of america!
Kinda like how all the economy upticks were by Obama, right?

If it's good = Obama/Biden did it

If it's bad = Trump did it

got it. 10/4. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Apply a little logic.

Trump comes in and the trend is moving favorably. As I said, he didn’t fuck it up. He didn’t cause the trend though. It started before him.

Obama came into office the trend was terrible. The trend turned around after he made decisions. The trend was then good. Can’t say that was Bush’s doing because under Bush the trend was headed the wrong way. Might some of Bush’s decisions toward the end of his term helped bring about the change of direction, sure. Right off hand TARP comes to mind but there were actions after he left office as well.

Trump is leaving office and the trend is toward job loss and GDP growth which is still less than what the GEP was a year ago. Those are on him even though Biden became President a week ago. Now if the economy next year is not better than today and the trends are heading in the same directions then that’s on Biden. If it turns around, he’ll get credit for that too.
HedonistForever's Avatar
No jobs have been lost by Biden so far. All the lost jobs are still on Trump. Biden has been president for 6 days. Trump for 4 years. First President in recent history with a net job loss. I can’t even see how that’s possible considering population growth. You’re crying about what you think is gonna happen (lemme help help you here, democrats have overseen better economies than republicans in every administration since Reagan after being handed shitty circumstances by Republicans that preceded them).

HF and UC just can’t see themselves admitting that Obama’s economy laid the groundwork for Trump to just let it flow.

Never once said ( if I did, I was wrong ) that Obama's recovery was a failure. It was not. Things were changing for the better but you would be hard pressed to find anybody that will not admit that Trump took measures that "continued" to move the economy upwards that without such measures the increase and their was an increase, might never have gone so far.

But even they acknowledge that the current numbers are a uniquely Trumpian achievement and not owed to policies already set in motion when he took office.

Numbers rarely lie, so if we look at the numbers, all the improvement from 2008-2016 set the path that 2016-2019 followed.

And numbers rarely tell the whole truth with Bill Clinton being the premier example in recent memory of how a President can benefit from something happening, completely out of his control or doing, Technological advancement.

If there were no dates on a graph you would never know where Obama ended and Trump began. The only thing you can clearly identify is where Trump ended because every number went to shit. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

No jobs have been lost by Biden so far.

And right there! You just couldn't help yourself. Do you even realize what you just did, deny a fact? With the stroke of a pen, Biden eliminated thousands of jobs and pissed off our biggest trading partner costing them billions of dollars. How in the world could that possibly be on Trump?