Trump's trial is over before it begins

HedonistForever's Avatar
Did I call this one or what?

Just five GOP senators vote Trump impeachment trial is constitutional

The Senate sent a strong signal Tuesday that there are not nearly enough votes to convict President Trump in an impeachment trial when only five GOP senators rejected an effort by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) to declare the looming trial unconstitutional.
The Senate voted 55-45 to set aside Paul's motion, with all but five GOP senators siding with Paul. GOP Sens. Mitt Romney (Utah), Ben Sasse (Neb.), Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Pat Toomey (Pa.) voted with Democrats to table Paul's point of order.
The vote is the clearest sign yet that Trump is heading toward a second acquittal and offers an early insight into which Republicans are lining up behind an argument that his second impeachment trial isn't constitutional.
How could you vote for conviction if you think the trial is un-constitutional?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-26-2021, 05:12 PM
The Democrats are stupid AF for doing this.

Who cares if he runs in 2024?

Just follow Sara Palin's trajectory if you want to see Trumps future political influence.
The Senate determines what constitutional for impeachment. So now on to the trial evidence. He will be acquitted but it’ll look bad for republicans that somehow claim that it’s ok to incite an insurrection or that it’s not impeachable behavior (but lying about a blowjob is).
Good news is that the justice department is now free to pursue felony criminal charges, including murder of a federal law enforcement official, inciting insurrection, etc. Of course, the fat ass has many other pending issues (tax fraud, bank fraud, making false statements to federal officials or federally insured banks) with DC and the states of NY and NJ and others that carry decades long prison sentences. Dont forget he is already the unnamed co-conspirator in several proceedings that have already produced felony convictions. Also there are sealed indictments that were filed to prevent the expiration of statutory limitations that are widely believed to be directed at the former draft dodging and traitor-in-chief. And I could list a dozens or more slam dunk cases, but those kool-aid drinkers are too smitten with confirmation bias to make that any fun. Poisoning by his fuck buddy Putin is obviously now a risk as he is no longer his useful idiot.
it’ll look bad for republicans that somehow claim that it’s ok to incite an insurrection or that it’s not impeachable behavior (but lying about a blowjob is). Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Can't incite an insurrection when you're the party in control at the time.
  • oeb11
  • 01-26-2021, 06:32 PM
GG - that makes far too much 'common sense' for teh DPST/ccp to be able to follow.
I suspect that’s a terrible defense. I hope Trump uses it.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The Senate determines what constitutional for impeachment. So now on to the trial evidence. He will be acquitted but it’ll look bad for republicans that somehow claim that it’s ok to incite an insurrection or that it’s not impeachable behavior (but lying about a blowjob is). Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Yes, they do and it takes 60 of them to decide on conviction. 45 Senators just went on record saying they do not believe this action is Constitutional. Questions of Constitutionality are not decided by a majority vote of Senators. They can decide to proceed with trial and they can even convict but they will not have decided on the Constitutionality of the issue.

In real life, only the SC decides what is Constitutional and what isn't. Unfortunately, they don't always provide us with their legal thinking and probably won't in this case but John Roberts has already expressed his opinion that he is not bound by the Constitution to preside over a trial of a private citizen. But the Senate thinks it can do as the majority pleases right up to the point where the SC says they can or can't, if they decide to intervene. I can't believe some Republican won't make this case and get this issue decided once and for all.

I'm always amused by a Democrat telling us what will look bad for Republicans when nothing a Republican says or does looks good to a Democrat so what difference does it make? Republicans will do what is best for Republicans just like the reason Democrats are going through with a trial that is already decided, to throw meat to their ravenous base. What they think is good for Democrats. They will not achieve the purpose of impeachment which is to remove a President from office.

Trump is not immune from punishment. He didn't get a "get out of jail free card". As a matter of fact, his ass that so many of you like to talk about, has now been put up for grabs by the DOJ and every state prosecutor that would like to take a shot at him. So why go through a trial that can not punish him? And why in the world, if you are a Democrat, would you fear Trump running in 2024? You should be begging for it and even sending him money to possibly splinter the Republican party for 2024

pfunkdenver's Avatar
And why in the world, if you are a Democrat, would you fear Trump running in 2024? You should be begging for it and even sending him money to possibly splinter the Republican party for 2024
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
HedonistForever's Avatar
I suspect that’s a terrible defense. I hope Trump uses it. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Simplest defense ever. The defense rests. The defendant believes that this action is un-Constitutional and will therefore decline to mount a defense that is un-necessary. Of course no lawyer is going to pass on the chance to show off his or her legal chops and will be dying to mount a defense but the decision has already been made. It's for show and that's exactly what Democrats want since they can't get a conviction, put on a show.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

But the thirst for revenge will cancel out logical thinking.
Can't incite an insurrection when you're the party in control at the time. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
That Chief Justice Roberts refuses to go along with this sham shows it's lack of consitutionality. I'm surprised former President Trumps legal team doesn't ask the Supreme Court for some type of cease and desist order.
winn dixie's Avatar
The glove dont fit! Gotta acquit!
I love the ignorance being posted.
"Hey Supreme Court tell them to stop the trial."
Yes, they do and it takes 60 of them to decide on conviction. 45 Senators just went on record saying they do not believe this action is Constitutional. Questions of Constitutionality are not decided by a majority vote of Senators. They can decide to proceed with trial and they can even convict but they will not have decided on the Constitutionality of the issue.

In real life, only the SC decides what is Constitutional and what isn't. Unfortunately, they don't always provide us with their legal thinking and probably won't in this case but John Roberts has already expressed his opinion that he is not bound by the Constitution to preside over a trial of a private citizen. But the Senate thinks it can do as the majority pleases right up to the point where the SC says they can or can't, if they decide to intervene. I can't believe some Republican won't make this case and get this issue decided once and for all.

I'm always amused by a Democrat telling us what will look bad for Republicans when nothing a Republican says or does looks good to a Democrat so what difference does it make? Republicans will do what is best for Republicans just like the reason Democrats are going through with a trial that is already decided, to throw meat to their ravenous base. What they think is good for Democrats. They will not achieve the purpose of impeachment which is to remove a President from office.

Trump is not immune from punishment. He didn't get a "get out of jail free card". As a matter of fact, his ass that so many of you like to talk about, has now been put up for grabs by the DOJ and every state prosecutor that would like to take a shot at him. So why go through a trial that can not punish him? And why in the world, if you are a Democrat, would you fear Trump running in 2024? You should be begging for it and even sending him money to possibly splinter the Republican party for 2024
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
67 actually but don't let the math get confusing.

It is crazy that you all are so "no impeachment". Why do you care. He will be acquitted. We know the party is so scared of what the base will do they would not convict him of anything, regardless. That doesnt mean that his actions aren't impeachable. As you said 1000 times with the fake election fraud claims, "let it play out" and the better yet "if he has nothing to hide why be afraid of an investigation and trial"

I am smelling alot of HYPOCRISY from you and everyone else that "please stop the impeachment and trial"

Calm down, let it play out, he will be acquitted and then he will be free to wreck the Republican Party.