Time to Govern: Dim Shrieks for Unity while issuing record unilateral proclamations

So wheres the $2000 checks?
Why are the Dims starting off with record Executive Orders/Executive Actions?
Why is Biden signing EOs for problems that don't exist or can't be measured?

Why are the Dims wasting time with an impeachment that Justice Roberts isn't attending on a guy who's no longer in office?

We've already gotten signals that killing the fillibuster and the 51 vote Senate threshold is dead. My guess is Roberts not showing up was a threat to Schumer as to not to pack the court.

My biggest question is where's the media insisting on answers for these questions?

Seems to me the Dems are in disarray. I wonder why that is.
winn dixie's Avatar
So wheres the $2000 checks?
Why are the Dims starting off with record Executive Orders/Executive Actions?
Why is Biden signing EOs for problems that don't exist or can't be measured?

Why are the Dims wasting time with an impeachment that Justice Roberts isn't attending on a guy who's no longer in office?

We've already gotten signals that killing the fillibuster and the 51 vote Senate threshold is dead. My guess is Roberts not showing up was a threat to Schumer as to not to pack the court.

My biggest question is where's the media insisting on answers for these questions?

Seems to me the Dems are in disarray. I wonder why that is. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Asking these types of questions can be considered seditious and racist now. Careful not to get on any list.
So wheres the $2000 checks?
Not coming. $1400 if you're lucky, but they'll bail out the corrupt cities before anyone sees a penny.

Why are the Dims starting off with record Executive Orders/Executive Actions?
Majority of them are just undoing previous EO/EA's.

Why is Biden signing EOs for problems that don't exist or can't be measured?
That's how liberals legislate - it's not about efficacy, it's about feeling good about yourself.

Why are the Dims wasting time with an impeachment that Justice Roberts isn't attending on a guy who's no longer in office?

My biggest question is where's the media insisting on answers for these questions?
Because their job is to keep you distracted, not informed.
Biden is Making America Great Again. That answers all your questions G. Trump recently said that the SC says he can do about anything he wants with EOs (not exactly what the SC said but the decision was ill thought out). So Biden is doing what the Republicans just thought was a fine way to govern. Don’t like EOs, pass legislation. Simple way to fix it.

Your 1400 is coming. I suppose that means you make less than 75k. I hope you get it. I’ve not made that kinda money since I was outta law school a little more over quarter century ago. Money’s coming for ya and millions of others.
Biden is Making America Great Again.
That's a matter of opinion, but those opinions have been made vocally back and forth for decades, so I won't continue to beat the dead horse.

Trump recently said that the SC says he can do about anything he wants with EOs (not exactly what the SC said but the decision was ill thought out). So Biden is doing what the Republicans just thought was a fine way to govern. Don’t like EOs, pass legislation. Simple way to fix it.
Onboard for that. I personally think EO's undermine the checks and balances and think they need to go.

Your 1400 is coming.
Mine isn't. I'm not getting a penny, nor do I want it if I could get it. Still wish we didn't have to shoot the economy in the leg in the first place.
winn dixie's Avatar
Im totally against these stimulus checks. Or millions for the "arts" etc..
HedonistForever's Avatar
Biden is Making America Great Again. That answers all your questions G. Trump recently said that the SC says he can do about anything he wants with EOs (not exactly what the SC said but the decision was ill thought out). So Biden is doing what the Republicans just thought was a fine way to govern. Don’t like EOs, pass legislation. Simple way to fix it.

Your 1400 is coming. I suppose that means you make less than 75k. I hope you get it. I’ve not made that kinda money since I was outta law school a little more over quarter century ago. Money’s coming for ya and millions of others. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I'm glad you agree that America has been great in the past when so many of your fellow travelers on the Left continue to say it never was.

A federal judge just ruled what anybody that actually pays attention already knew, that while Presidents can issue EO's, they aren't always Constitutional and can get struck down proving that President's can't do what ever the hell they want to do. Laws and upholding laws is what makes America great.

Just noticed $600 from the IRS just appeared in my bank account. I'll do with it the same thing I did with the previous $1200 I got, give it away to those who could use the help.

I hear that some are questioning the wisdom of giving a family of four that makes $300,000 a year, relief. The idea that would even be a consideration tells you all you need to know about the carelessness of these programs. I've actually heard some Liberals say that it doesn't matter who gets the money as long as it is spent. But what if it is spent in places that did not need the help? Is that helpful? I think not.


Under the CASH Act, a childless couple making up to $230,000 would collect some benefits. A family of five would receive a payment as long as they made less than $350,000. In fact, a family of five making $250,000 would receive $5,000 under the CASH Act. That’s more than was paid to a middle-class family of five under the March CARES Act ($3,900), the recent Relief & Response Act ($3,000), and more than will be paid to one worker in supplemental unemployment benefits under the Relief & Response Act ($3,300).

I said it before and I'll say it again. Nobody whose income wasn't "taken away"or substantially reduced, should receive a penny. My income, a pension and Social Security is under 75k but this pandemic did not change my income by one dime. So why in the world should I get a check meant for people who lost income due to this pandemic? It is maddening to see this wasteful abuse of power. No museum should get a dime. People who use to have a job at a museum and lost it, should.
I believe that America is a great country. There been good and bad times. It’s not perfect by any means. It’s filled with good and bad people. It’s don’t amazing things in it’s relatively short history and it’s done terrible things. It’s legacy has not always been good and it’s not always done right by people living here. It has concurrently been a land of opportunity that from time to time strives toward being just. America has had great times and mostly, even after being terrible tends to find its way back to being Great. Biden is that swing after the terrible time that was Trump.

I was born poor, got an education, fought for this country, and made a shit load of money. I’ve been discriminated against by some and given opportunities by others. I’ve opened doors for some and closed doors for others.
  • oeb11
  • 01-27-2021, 02:44 PM
yep - blame Trump for all the disasters to come - instituted by teh marxist puppet fiden - controlled by his marxist handlers!
rexdutchman's Avatar
""lets circle back "" that's the answer to EVERYTHING
""lets circle back "" that's the answer to EVERYTHING Originally Posted by rexdutchman
My interpretation of Jen's pat phrase is: "Time to circle the wagons."
HedonistForever's Avatar
I believe that America is a great country. There been good and bad times. It’s not perfect by any means. It’s filled with good and bad people. It’s don’t amazing things in it’s relatively short history and it’s done terrible things. It’s legacy has not always been good and it’s not always done right by people living here. It has concurrently been a land of opportunity that from time to time strives toward being just. America has had great times and mostly, even after being terrible tends to find its way back to being Great. Biden is that swing after the terrible time that was Trump.

I was born poor, got an education, fought for this country, and made a shit load of money. I’ve been discriminated against by some and given opportunities by others. I’ve opened doors for some and closed doors for others. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Well said. But I do not believe with Biden we are going back to the things that made us great. Biden, in my opinion is proposing things that will divide us even more than we have ever been divided but it will take time to prove which of us is right.
Ripmany's Avatar
Maybe Medicaid for all instead of reopening oboma care.
  • Tiny
  • 01-28-2021, 03:29 PM
Im totally against these stimulus checks. Or millions for the "arts" etc.. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Agreed. Just sending out $1400 to everyone doesn't make sense. It should be based on employment status and need. If you want to donate to the arts, then do it. Don't make taxpayers pay for it.