In case anyone is wondering about the Boobs & BBQ adventure...

Yep, it happened Tuesday evening with Kynsley Morgan and I've got the pics to prove it...just too damn tired to write a review right now... and it was more fun(and funnier) than I expected. I saw Cravinhead & Sophia later that evening and they both saw the proof.

That'll have to do for now until I can write the review and yes, it will include pics. And BassCat, I left NO BOOBS for you pal! They're all gone...
Cravinhead69's Avatar
It nice to meet you finally. Glad you made it home safe.
I'm sure you were thinking about boobs and bbq all the way home.
I'll never look at king cake the same way again.
You would do something underhanded like that wouldnt you RL? I dont know what I ever did you for you to be so spiteful towards me. You know how much I like to enjoy Ms Kynsleys boobies. You know from experience that there is plenty to go around. Didn't your momma teach you how to share?
Yeeeaaaahhhh...momma taught me how to share but she also taught me to repay in kind... so where's my boob pics?? And I don't mean of YOUR boobs but of a real woman's? You beg but you don't give... you cheap boy!

Hehehehe... I licked both of them last night! There is nothing better than titty-flavored bbq ribs on this whole planet. No shit!

P.S. I'm having trouble uploading the pics, just look at my avatar and drool for a while.
Lmao, RL! Theres my buttcrack!
Haa! Yep, that's the ass that attacked that poor, defenseless king cake. I still wish you had served it at the M&G...

I'm trying to upload your pics and having trouble with that so everyone pleasebear with me until I(rather Kynsley) can show the world how to properly wear a king cake and ribs.

And I am still kicking my ass over leaving those titty-flavored ribs down there...stupid, stupid, STUPID!!!

Lol, the garbage men got them