Where are they

spike52's Avatar
Anyone know what happened with Ann Walker and Fun Girl Annie???
I tried to look her up yesterday and she is not on eccie.
Ann signed in the last few days on P411. I hope all is well with that wonderful lady!
spike52's Avatar
I texted Ann and she asked how I got her number then informed me there was no Ann Walker. Guess she's out of business or gone UTR.
It may have been in her showcase or I saw a post from Ann stating that December 31 would end her time as a provider. I wish her well although I never had the privilege of meeting her.
  • A1.
  • 02-15-2018, 06:17 PM
Providers sometimes start a serious relationship and deserve their privacy. It is rude to play the over bearing detective searching or nosey hobbyist that won't leave well enough alone when there isn't any present advertising done by the lady on eccie. Hobbyist wouldn't want a provider to randomly call him if his account here on eccie was closed for whatever reasons. A divorce is expensive if you got caught. Quietly stepping away helps everyone involved.