Hugo, Friends, And the Re-making of America

hugo chavez gave his state of the union address the other day to the venzuelan national assembly

talked for about 9 and a half hours.....

I wonder if his police escorted any dissident assemblors to the back room for further education for perhaps some perceived lack of sufficiently feigning fawned adoration at appropriate times during the speech ala suddam hussein's reign of terror

people like:

Jimmy Carter
Cindy Sheehan
Danny Glover
Sean Penn
Oliver Stone
Susan Sarandon (she loves OWS)
Naomi Campbell (she might throw a phone at her maid or accept diamonds from murderous dictators)
Courtney Love
Kevin Spacey
Harry Bellafonte

and not to ignore regimes like North Korea and Iran

are all great buddies of him and his repressive policies of force.

It is what is required to implement liberal policies, if liberals ever gain control here, force that is, to repress liberty. "Social Justice" is just a bayonet away.

Lefties have a clearly discernible theory of politics, which has to do with collective action, and the building and sustenance of mobilizing organizations.

I think that the results of the South Carolina republican primary reflected a certain "fed-upness" with moderation, for moderation by republicans has been merely met with more and more leftism by democrats and their media allies. Whether the republicans can properly convey the danger that is to the undecided and swing voter remains to be seen. The difficulties of disseminating that message and overcoming mockery and scorn which the main stream media will trumpet leave me to wonder if obama, the weasel, may yet prevail.