I Liked Obama's West Point Speech

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I like his speech mainly because he is trying to limit our military involvement in everyone else's affairs in the world. We can't afford it, and we shouldn't spill our blood for all the other ungrateful assholes out there. The grateful still deserve our protection, of course....
The grateful, and strategically important nations Japan, Israel, and England should still get our wholehearted support.
The only thing Obama has done that I liked has been his long term draw down of our foreign commitments. He is not a great President, but he realizes we are a declining nation and need to pick our battles more strategically. He is like Meg Whitman at HP, slowly shrinking a sinking business that can survive as a big deal among equals.
America should no longer dictate to the world, but should lead a coalition with everyone paying their fair share.
When we protect the rich oil nations like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, we should make a profit, like we did when ole' Good Time Billy was in charge.
I don't mind that they (the leaders of those "countries") have 47 wives, but they should have to take care of them, not us.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I liked all the parts when he dropped an applause line, waited, and had to move on without his tribute. Of particular importance is just a sentence after he said he believed in American exceptionalism and they couldn't barely find any applause at all. The look on his face...

Still he spoke of leadership but this is the guy who said we would lead from behind.
"Limit our involvement." Yeah. "Not spill our blood for the ungrateful." Right.

In the same breath, he's planning on keeping 10,000 American troops in Afghanistan. Indefinitely. Despite have NO NATO mandate for it, and NO support from Afghanistan for it.

You'd think he was afraid of bring combat troops home.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I liked all the parts when he dropped an applause line, waited, and had to move on without his tribute. Of particular importance is just a sentence after he said he believed in American exceptionalism and they couldn't barely find any applause at all. The look on his face...

Still he spoke of leadership but this is the guy who said we would lead from behind. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
He much prefers adulation!
Every fiber of his Obeing... LOL

He will continue to send American troops wherever his corporate masters tell him to.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obumbler will let our allies take the lead when appropriate. In other words, they'll never take the need. Putin is pleased.