Hey you...yes YOU....

...no, not you; the OTHER you...

Clear your inbox or no YummyPussy for you!!!
Thank you
DocHolyday's Avatar
Not sure about the point of this post? Hey OP, why not direct this post specifically to whoever you are trying to PM. Better yet, call him if you have his phone number.
Funny and Cute Ms. Yummyness
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Not sure about the point of this post? Hey OP, why not direct this post specifically to whoever you are trying to PM. Better yet, call him if you have his phone number. Originally Posted by DocHolyday
Nothing wrong with her being discreet. And it apparently worked.
Newish topic = discretion....



Fancyinheels's Avatar
Yep, yep, indeed. And a friendly reminder to check how close you are to hitting your PM box limit isn't a bad idea for both gents and ladies. Can be easy for some of us to lose track when busy, resulting in miserably missed miscreant moments!
I don't usually comment..but cute, love it!
The problem with not keeping an eye on it in this situation was that it filled up right in the middle of confirming.

I have seen where other people actually post the person's handle to get their attention, but I am not comfortable with that.

Calling or texting someone without knowing whether it is safe to do so is a no-no...thus...the creation of this thread.

It worked for me and the client involved.

Ladies, please weigh the several outcomes of what might have happened, had I put the client's handle out there.

-He never sees the thread and never clears his box and I don't get paid
-He notices his box is full on his own, and I get paid.
-He sees it, clears his box, he gets my companionship and I get paid $400 or more for that one session
-He sees it, is uncomfortable that his handle is mentioned, but follows suit and sees me anyways; I get paid
-He sees it, doesn't like that his handle was mentioned and then decides not to see me, and I lose $400 or more dollars


-regardless of what the client chooses to do, other potential clients take me off of their to-do-list because they are worried about my lack of discretion.

Let's say I lose 20 potential clients who will have seen me within the next year (considering a 50% return rate on them), how much will I lose? $8,000-$12,000++++

Getting the $400+ is not worth the potential loss of $8-12k+++

Be smart.
Play safe.
Have fun.
Get paid.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Yummy pussy lol
dearhunter's Avatar
Tell docfullofshit to fuck off.......ijs
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Newish topic = discretion....



Go!!!!! Originally Posted by YummyMarie

creative approach your Yumminess... I agree with discretion but its also dissapointing to see many providers fearful of giving simple opinions or agreements for fear of losing business. To all those providers living in fear of losing business make sure you have a big F U sign on the way out of the retirement door. but ur point is well taken.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Tell docfullofshit to fuck off.......ijs Originally Posted by dearhunter
Im sure he's kicking himself for speaking too soon or before he let his coffee settle this morning.