MyRedLightStory is a project, started by a man and a woman with extensive experience in the sex-work industry, to educate and entertain on the truth about sex work, both bad and good. We are supportive of consensual sex work and have written a book about our experiences that we are currently trying to publish.
This post is to assist a journalist named Joanna Chiu with some important research. We have noted her work on our Web site. In our view, she is one of the few journalists who properly separates sex trafficking from consensual sex work. Her message follows.
Hi there,
My name is Joanna Chiu and I am a freelance journalist. As a Canadian sex-positive feminist, I support the full decriminalization of sex work. I've written articles in the past where sex workers and clients were able to convey their experiences in their own words to the public. As a journalist, I am committed to challenging the silencing and stereotyping of sex workers and clients in the media. See and or check out my website at for more samples of my work.
I am currently living in New York and I'm working on an article about sex trafficking in the US. It will critically examine how the government, law enforcement and NGOs have addressed the problem of sex trafficking. For example, the FBI's "Operation Innocence Lost", which was supposed to help identify victims of trafficking and underage sex workers, has actually led to the arrests of hundreds of sex workers and clients across the country.
I am looking to talk to current or former clients who have anything to say about anti-sex trafficking initiatives in the US and how they affect sex workers and clients. My focus is on New York state, so I'm especially interested in talking to people with knowledge of the sex industry and human trafficking in New York.
I will keep all our correspondences strictly confidential. If you would like to be quoted in my article, I will take all measures to protect your identity.
You can contact me at or call me at 917 767 6145.
Thank you,