Still not safe, still not effective.

texassapper's Avatar
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
COVID-19 vaccination was not tied to an increase in hospital admissions or visits with a health care professional due to menstrual changes or bleeding in premenopausal women, according to an observational study that included 2 946 448 Swedish participants aged 12 to 74 years.

Postmenopausal women were more likely to have contact with the health care system because of vaginal bleeding in the months following their shot compared with when they were unvaccinated, with the highest risk after the third dose, although the associations were weak.

“These findings do not provide substantial support for a causal association between SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and healthcare contacts related to menstrual or bleeding disorders,” the researchers wrote in The BMJ.
winn dixie's Avatar
Women of child bearing years using specific iuds were prone to get clots.
Myself. I will never inject myself with nanbots that can change my dna and enable the government to track me.
No sir. No jab for me
FesteredUncle's Avatar
"Imagine a vaccine “so safe” you have to be THREATENED to take it, and for a disease “so deadly” you have to be TESTED to know whether you have it"

Speaking of “mysteriously emergent lasting harm”

New word of the day: Plasmid (

Link for the full article if interested: (

"did the pfizer vaccine even really have a drug trial?
if the process is the product (and it is) then pfizer's product looks like it went to market untested

el gato malo
Oct 5, 2023

the discovery by brave fellow feline kevin mckernan (who actually did what should have been done right from the start and went out and gene sequenced the pfizer covid vaccines) that the vaccines were wildly impure, low integrity, and contained not only copious amounts of contaminants, but actual active compounds like plasmids that were, quite literally, spike protein factories was extraordinary.

the jab was literally full of the compounds used in its fabrication that had no place in a final product and these are not even just toxins, they are plasmids, actual factories for making pathogens. the idea of a “safe level” for such a thing seems fraught and they missed the alleged limits by an order of magnitude anyhow. from FEB substack

in decades of watching products like this, i have never seen anything like it from a standpoint of pure misrepresentation and negligence.

it is perhaps then small wonder that the top people in the FDA vaccine group resigned rather than keep having to rubber stamp this.

kevin’s result generated incredulity and dismissal all over the internet and among regulators. but it was valid. and it has now been replicated by an awful lot of people (though this list conspicuously fails to include any regulatory agency of which i am aware) and there is quite a lot of evidence that this process issue had been known for decades"
  • Tiny
  • 10-07-2023, 08:47 AM
Well I’m glad I don’t have a vagina because I’m getting the booster next week. I’ll check back in to let you know I survived.
DNinja69's Avatar
Vaccines and other medical remedies come with risk and side effects. I don't like the idea of being forced to take something and fortunately was not in a situation that required me to take a shot. Outside of that and now that for most of us vax or don't is just a personal choice we can evaluate what the shots are and whether we want to participate or not.

I try to not let politicians dictate my personal choices especially when medical care is involved. All the fear mongering and cherry picked stats can get pretty overwhelming. No vaccine is 100% safe and most medicines bring some kind of unwanted side effects. Try not letting your brain bring extra stress and undue discomfort. Nobody is trying to 'put chips in us' through vaccines or control us like sheep. Covid is not a hoax of global proportions. Pandemics are just way more complicated in this age of tech and social media sources where we can literally find groups of people with weird beliefs like those who say electromagnetic waves cause climate change and will eventually destroy our planet.
texassapper's Avatar
No vaccine is 100% safe Originally Posted by DNinja69
Not according to the government.
FesteredUncle's Avatar
Well I’m glad I don’t have a vagina because I’m getting the booster next week. I’ll check back in to let you know I survived. Originally Posted by Tiny
Just to be clear: So you are saying you were ordered or even threatened to go get another shot? Or are you saying you (personally) chose to go get another shot?

Stated another way: Were you ordered by the government to prostrate yourself and submit to getting another shot or face penalties and consequences to demonstrate your fealty to them?

Or did you decide that you were endowed by your Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and thus freely chose (whether well informed or not) to be afraid of Life?

Just wanted to check back to ensure we understood your decision making process, if any.
Ripmany's Avatar
It hard for me to get internet with my covid vaccine have any gotten on line and high speed Internet with there covid vaccine..
It hard for me to get internet with my covid vaccine have any gotten on line and high speed Internet with there covid vaccine.. Originally Posted by Ripmany
You have to have a 5G connection.
  • Tiny
  • 10-08-2023, 01:12 PM
Just to be clear: So you are saying you were ordered or even threatened to go get another shot? Or are you saying you (personally) chose to go get another shot?

Stated another way: Were you ordered by the government to prostrate yourself and submit to getting another shot or face penalties and consequences to demonstrate your fealty to them?

Or did you decide that you were endowed by your Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and thus freely chose (whether well informed or not) to be afraid of Life?

Just wanted to check back to ensure we understood your decision making process, if any. Originally Posted by FesteredUncle
Don't be silly. I live in the Free State of Texas. Nobody forced me to get a flu, COVID, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, cholera, yellow fever, hepatis A, hepatitis B, HPV, typhoid, shingles, polio, smallpox or measles vaccine. But I joyfully got all of them! Some of them more than once! And no, I am not afraid of life. I love life! I love it even more when I'm not laid up in bed because of the flu, COVID, diptheria, tetanus, pertussis, cholera, yellow fever, hepatis A, hepatitis B, HPV, typhoid, shingles, polio, smallpox or measles!

Vaccines have prevented many millions of deaths and much pain and suffering. Some who are perhaps optimistic believe the COVID-19 vaccine alone saved 20 million lives in just one year:

See, President Trump was probably being conservative when he said "We saved 2 million people" from dying of COVID-19. Thank you president Trump! And American Big Pharma, like Pfizer and Moderna!
  • Tiny
  • 10-08-2023, 02:27 PM
Just to be clear: So you are saying you were ordered or even threatened to go get another shot? Or are you saying you (personally) chose to go get another shot? Originally Posted by FesteredUncle
Btw, my first post in this thread, about the vagina, was a reply to texassapper's link, not to your post.
Don't be silly. I live in the Free State of Texas. Nobody forced me to get a flu, COVID, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, cholera, yellow fever, hepatis A, hepatitis B, HPV, typhoid, shingles, polio, smallpox or measles vaccine. But I joyfully got all of them! Some of them more than once! And no, I am not afraid of life. I love life! I love it even more when I'm not laid up in bed because of the flu, COVID, diptheria, tetanus, pertussis, cholera, yellow fever, hepatis A, hepatitis B, HPV, typhoid, shingles, polio, smallpox or measles!

Vaccines have prevented many millions of deaths and much pain and suffering. Some who are perhaps optimistic believe the COVID-19 vaccine alone saved 20 million lives in just one year:

See, President Trump was probably being conservative when he said "We saved 2 million people" from dying of COVID-19. Thank you president Trump! And American Big Pharma, like Pfizer and Moderna! Originally Posted by Tiny
He was just going along with the political narrative. How confident do you really think Trump is in that statement?
  • Tiny
  • 10-08-2023, 10:37 PM
He was just going along with the political narrative. How confident do you really think Trump is in that statement? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Sorry, researching this a bit more, Trump’s comment about 2 million lives saved was from October of 2020, and he was referring to other actions of his administration that saved lives, not vaccines, which weren’t around then.

However he later told Dan Bongino in August, 2021 that 100 million might have died without Operation Warp Speed.

I don’t think Trump believed either statement, and both estimates are wild exaggerations.

However I do believe the Trump Administration, with Operation Warp Speed and by getting the vaccine through the FDA in record time may indeed have saved 2 million or more lives worldwide, versus what would have happened if Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden had been president in 2020. Trump wanted a vaccine before the election and he sincerely believed the FDA was too cautious in approving new treatments. He pushed the FDA aggressively for approval, so much so that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden used it as a campaign issue against Trump, and said they might not get the shots because they feared they weren’t safe. Boy were they wrong.
Sorry, researching this a bit more, Trump’s comment about 2 million lives saved was from October of 2020, and he was referring to other actions of his administration that saved lives, not vaccines, which weren’t around then.

However he later told Dan Bongino in August, 2021 that 100 million might have died without Operation Warp Speed.

I don’t think Trump believed either statement, and both estimates are wild exaggerations.

However I do believe the Trump Administration, with Operation Warp Speed and by getting the vaccine through the FDA in record time may indeed have saved 2 million or more lives worldwide, versus what would have happened if Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden had been president in 2020. Trump wanted a vaccine before the election and he sincerely believed the FDA was too cautious in approving new treatments. He pushed the FDA aggressively for approval, so much so that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden used it as a campaign issue against Trump, and said they might not get the shots because they feared they weren’t safe. Boy were they wrong. Originally Posted by Tiny
I take any advice or statements from politicians on any subject with a huge grain of salt.