Why does some providers don't see black men?

plove35's Avatar
All providers, why does it seem like a lot you don't see black men? Just curious
JohnBoyjrh's Avatar
Can we just skip this one ?
Plove I see you're new to the site, and as you can tell by the replies this is a topic that has been debated more than once.

I rather doubt that this thread will unlock that secret, but I will remind everyone to be respectful in answers. If you think this dead horse has been beaten enough, then move on and ignore it.
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
"because the black man has a different type of funk."

.. lol I need to watch that movie again. (CB4)

No really it's their choice ... They probably don't like to get mugged.
stealth's Avatar
I feel a headache coming on.
Plove, like others have indicated by their replies and SP stated directly, this is an often discussed item. I don't have an answer outside of it is like life, we each make our own choices on what we like and don't like. The women are no different. While there will be a host of others that disagree with me, the women don't have to see everybody that comes calling. I was selective in who I would see and certain ethnicities were not on my list to visit. I am very sure it is the same for the women in this realm.

Simple really but I think people make too big a deal out of the choices made. Just remember, there are a ton providers out there and because one does like you because of your race does not mean another will not love you because of your race and you as a person.

Whatever you do, don't take it personally. Just like its your choice to see a certain provider, it is their choice if they want to see you too.
LatexLover's Avatar
I think it's usually a personal preference. Waldt and such. I don't want to have sex with a black woman. Doesn't make me racist just not attracted in that way.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
The simple answer to your question is because they can. For whatever reason they choose not to do so. The best thing to do is find one of the HUNDREDS of women who will. Dallas is the provider Capitol of Texas and you shouldn't have any trouble finding a woman who will fit what you're looking for.
Ron Mexico's Avatar
Being black myself PLove, I say don't worry about it. You aren't going to be able to talk someone who doesn't see black men into doing so. You don't want to schedule an appointment with someone who is apprehensive about seeing you in the first place. There are plenty of providers that will take your money. There are various reason why some providers don't see black men, even black providers.

You asked for reasons. Some reasons are legit, some are ignorant. The reasons are covered in-depth in the two links I have posted below. Read through them and you will be fully caught up:


wackatronic's Avatar
Being black myself PLove, I say don't worry about it. You aren't going to be able to talk someone who doesn't see black men into doing so. You don't want to schedule an appointment with someone who is apprehensive about seeing you in the first place. There plenty of providers that will take your money. There are various reason why some providers don't see black men, even black providers.

You asked for reasons. Some reasons are legit, some are ignorant. The reasons are covered in-depth in the two links I have posted below. Read through them and you will be fully caught up:


http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...&highlight=nba Originally Posted by Ron Mexico
Beautifully said and included histroical material! Nice post!
I've never had a problem.
plove35's Avatar
Thanks Ron Mexico. Just thought it was odd. In this line of work it shouldn't matter because each prover is facing the same risk no matter what race the hobbyist is.