The Beginning

Pink Floyd's Avatar
We are again on the endless topic of Pimps. Ladies what brought you into the profession? Was it a man, or another woman, economic problems, or maybe just an enjoyment of sex? Were you abused as a youth, and was your environment a large contributing factor?
Naomi4u's Avatar
I wrote out a really long post and then deleted it.

Nothing too personal though I started in the adult industry as a webcam girl and later became an agency escort. I worked for the agency (a big agency here in charlotte) for 6 months and went indy shortly after. My first experience as an escort was life changing. The best experience of my life.

I researched the business for two years before I entered it so I knew what I was getting into. No one influenced me. Love sex. However, I got into it initially because I wanted to be financially secure / independent (which I am now). To answer your question: Was I abused? No. Family environment? Strict fam but was well taken care of. Love the fam. However, I wanted to be rebellious. I miss them.

Dunno -- figured I was attractive enough to have sex and charge a premium for it.
gimme_that's Avatar
Deleted post
gimme_that's Avatar
You should have keptt that post....I was one of the few who read it and it made sense from the emotional standpoint.

Your post now seems much different chronologically although its the same jus a summarry........just seems more business related while the other summarry. Had the personal reasons before the monetary benefits, but I can't fault you for protecting your personal thoughts on it.
Naomi4u's Avatar
You should have keptt that post....I was one of the few who red it and it made sense from the emotional standpoint.

Your post now seems just more business rellated, but I can't fault you for protecting your personal thoughts on it. Originally Posted by gimme_that
Well it's a good thing I saved it before I deleted it .

Here is a full explanation of the above post.

We are again on the endless topic of Pimps. Ladies what brought you into the profession? Was it a man, or another woman, economic problems, or maybe just an enjoyment of sex? Were you abused as a youth, and was your environment a large contributing factor? Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
Damn these are personal questions!! but I will answer! This is a VERY short version.

I actually blogged about this on my blog once so I'll be just repeating something I've told before (so nothing too personal here). I come from a VERY well off but strict family. I couldn't do anything living in my parents house. I came across the word escort while flipping through the phone book and at that point I thought it was REALLY just going out to dinner . I then started seeing words like GFE and researched it. I researched the business for 2 years before I got in. The only reason was I wasn't of age yet (almost legal but not quite) and I wanted to wait to move out of my family's house to do anything like that.

When I moved out on my own 2 years later (actually moved in with a roomate), I was working a 9-5 job living like a broke college student. Almost comfortable but not quite. I was surfing the web and came across an ad for webcam modeling and thought "Wait.. I can make $2,000 a week being a webcam girl and all I need is just a webcam and computer". At this point, I was poorer than poor and needed money and felt there was no way to go but up.

My support system had been cut off so I was just living day to day. I researched webcam modeling for a week. By the time I did this, joined the cam girl forums, I knew almost everything to know about the camgirl industry. So I took the plunge. I worked for a certain site and received my check every two weeks, when I saw my first check ($3,000 for two weeks of work doing private sex shows)- it was one of the happiest days of my life. Now if anyone here knows anything about the webcam industry, you know that back in the day the girl took home big money. I started working as an online webcam model during the time it was booming (Today the ladies still make good money but there is a lot more competition). I continued to work as a cam model for a year and a few months, saved A LOT of money.

By this time I had forgot all about escorting, I live in North Carolina where the cost of living is low $1,500-$2,000 a week webcamming was A LOT of money for someone my age so I kept at it. The webcam business is not a set paycheck. If you don't work, you don't get paid and there are not benefits (like 401k, medical insurance..etc) so there were weeks when I wouldn't even make $1,500 - but 900 (still good money for a gal in the carolinas). It was just like any other job, If you don't put in a full 35 to 40 hours you won't see the benefits of it.

One day while putting on my makeup to get on cam, I thought of escorting. I remember all the research I had done years back while still living with my parents and all the ladies I admired. Funny though they were Tess Eloise, Holly Brooks, Brooks St. James and Amy Taylor . I wanted to see what the high end escorting business was like but I knew I couldn't just jump into it myself. So I googled until I found an agency VIP agency (one of the best in the carolinas). I also came across an ad saying they were hiring. I called but I would call and hangup, call and hangup because I was too scared, too nervous and then finally got an appointment with the Agency lady. I called again one day and apologized for hanging up on her and told her I wanted to be an escort and we met at a local cafe - she told me all about it. I loved that the agency I picked was VERY organized, the madam wasn't too friendly but after the interview that day I went on my first call the next day (The best experience EVER!!!!) The guy was very good looking and super sweet to me. I was sooo nervous but ever since then I've been hooked. I shortly moved into a beautiful condo here in Charlotte.

I made a five year plan and worked for the agency for 6 months, my story would be longer if I went into why I quit the agency but it's not necessary. I made a killing with the agency while still working as a webcam model part-time and then finally decided to go independent later. Twas the best decision I've ever made. All the guys have been super sweet to me - I've had one or two appointments that made me sick to my stomach but the good, clean, sweet guys I've had as clients outnumber any bad experience I've had as an agency girl/indy. Being an escort is what you make of it. I've always loved my job. I was told that a lot of girls can't do this job without alcohol or drugs and I've been able to beat that stereotype. It can be a glamourous job. It has been fun. Hands down one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life.

Today I make my living as an escort and web designer. I've also been helping ladies get into the business for almost 3 years. Was I abused? No. Came from a wonderful family. How was the environment? Strict but was well taken care of and wanted to be rebellious. Was a man/woman a contributing factor? No. I was too much of a shutin anyway to ever let people that close to me. I got into this on my own. My entering the business was more a financial decision than anything. I was having sex for free and felt -- hey I'm hot - why not get paid for it?


Camgirl resource for anyone that's interested:
shorty's Avatar
Most of the ladies I know on a personal level said the main reason for them getting into this business was they needed the money. For some there raising there kiddo by themselves without any other finanical support from the guy that got them pregnant. Where else can a lady make very good money for a few hours of work without much of degree. However, the ladies did say that if it wasn't about the money or supporting there family, that they wouldn't have gotten into this career otherwise.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Hey Short and others,

I have a question for yall.

Does it really matter WHY the lady got in the business?
As long as she treats you like a king while you're with her, isn't that what matters?

If I said I got into the business for sex, that would be lying. This is a business meaning there is money involved in some way. I can go to my local bar - hell the gas station, a lounge, a club - anywhere and give all the punani I want for free (without being paid for it). I love/enjoy sex so my "work" as a companion is very easy to me. It doesn't feel like work but for me to say I go into this business because of my love for sex would be a stretch.

Just curious...
shorty's Avatar
Zarah. . . From my conversations with several ladies they all said it was for the money and not because they just loved sex. Actually they feel ashamed that it came to this. Once they saw how much money they can make a week, there not as ashamed to be fucking over 100 guys a year. The biggest deal I see with the ladies is there needs to be someone at home that they can talk to and even have that BF/SO that they can be themself with.
tonytiger4u's Avatar
Z. That was a very interesting read!

As a guy it's pretty simple. I was born with sight. Other than that I don't know what to tell ya!
I female friends of mine introduced me to it. I knew her for about 4 years but only the last year she told me what she was doing. I never entertained the idea of doing it myself until a year later. I was working my normal job and escorting on the side for about 5 months until I quit my regular job cause there wasn't much point in keeping it.
Like most - the money was good and it's easy.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Zarah. . . From my conversations with several ladies they all said it was for the money and not because they just loved sex. Actually they feel ashamed that it came to this. Once they saw how much money they can make a week, there not as ashamed to be fucking over 100 guys a year. The biggest deal I see with the ladies is there needs to be someone at home that they can talk to and even have that BF/SO that they can be themself with. Originally Posted by shorty
I have a friend that wants out of it. I feel bad for her but she's a smart girl and I know she will get out. The business is not for everyone for sure. However, minus all the drama and bs that goes on within - it's a great business. I've seen beautiful single women in my personal life struggle and I swear I just want to blurt out "Just become an escort" lol BUT I know it doesn't work like that. One has to be somewhat mentally secure and strong to deal with it.

As for having an SO, It does help. However, I have seen a lot of ladies with SO's that pretty much indirectly pimp them out. I know a girl that would give her SO ALL her money/pay all his bills/ just so she wouldn't be alone. This business can be very isolating so a good supporting system is always good to have but supporting a man is something I could never do. Why be with a bum when there are lots of financially independent guys out there but then again -- the question is would those financially independent guys want to be with an escort? I found one that will. I can't speak for others.

Z. That was a very interesting read! Originally Posted by tonytiger4u
Thank you
  • GNG
  • 01-30-2012, 02:29 PM
I'm looking forward to your Texas tour, Zarah. You're an articulate, fascinating woman that I'd very much like to meet.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I'm looking forward to your Texas tour, Zarah. You're an articulate, fascinating woman that I'd very much like to meet. Originally Posted by Roger Murdock
Awww thank you! Looking forward to it.

Still Looking's Avatar
Hey Short and others,

I have a question for yall.

Does it really matter WHY the lady got in the business?
As long as she treats you like a king while you're with her, isn't that what matters?

If I said I got into the business for sex, that would be lying. This is a business meaning there is money involved in some way. I can go to my local bar - hell the gas station, a lounge, a club - anywhere and give all the punani I want for free (without being paid for it). I love/enjoy sex so my "work" as a companion is very easy to me. It doesn't feel like work but for me to say I go into this business because of my love for sex would be a stretch.

Just curious... Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
I'm happy if they show up and don't hit me! LOL
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Zarah and Shayla, thank you for your input. I guess I could only expect responses from the ladies who are operating of their own free will. Girls who know how to operate the system to their own benefit - in other words - the smart ones.