Who has the best IOP?

Men of Eccie! Been doing this for 2 years and I'm tired of Providers who just give great bbbj's, are nice, accommodating, attractive, etc. The most important quality in a provider to me is IOP (Illusion of Passion), or really P without the IO. A woman who genuinely loves having sex, who moans when you go down on her, who has multiple orgasms during sex. And a woman who will cuddle with you afterwards would be really nice too (and not jump up and get you a towel to get you out the door).

If a woman is "not into it" then she is not into me and there is nothing more deflating to my sense of manhood than this. No matter what's on her menu, no matter how cute she is or how accommodating to my wishes, if she has no sexual passion I won't be happy!

I know a few Providers who fit this bill somewhat like Gigilicious (although a little stronger IOP would be nice). The best I've had to date was a Provider now gone named Jolie aka Sexytiny who I really miss. But I'd like to expand my options.

Can you help me please?
Utanks's Avatar
Get a girlfriend
FS_ITC's Avatar
Get a girlfriend Originally Posted by Utanks
But I think the OP wants sex, too. :-p
knotty man's Avatar
it aint true GFE till she starts poppin pimples on your back
I'm ymmv and try my best to keep passion in mind when screening and scheduling. If I don't have the P to begin with, I can't/won't be fake. Being genuine is best. I have an uncanny ability to determine who I would or wouldn't hit off with sexually.
RosiePalm has never failed me, hits my buttons just right. Very passionate, although she is rather quiet, but that's ok........
I like the silent type
Did she look like #1 or #2?

Me Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I think to get the point your talking about there has to be at least a little mutual interest. I saw Jolie once and it was simply average at best. She seemed tired and disinterested. It was late and maybe I was #4 or #6 that day. I get that .. Have found that sometimes a 2nd visit with a girl is where things can get going. That said. Mandy is the answer.
redbeard42's Avatar
Me Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Bob McV's Avatar
This is the most YMMV of activities. A lady may be extra passionate simply because I remind her of something positive, and then be somewhat cold to you because you reminded her of something negative. and vice / versa with the next lady.

The truly great ones have learned to find a silver lining in every fat smelly old guy that walks through the door. As far a list of women that fit that bill, I don't think I know of anyone working now that I would recommend.
pyramider's Avatar
Take care of the taint and the passion will not be an illusion.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-20-2014, 10:42 AM
This is the most YMMV of activities. A lady may be extra passionate simply because I remind her of something positive, and then be somewhat cold to you because you reminded her of something negative. and vice / versa with the next lady.

The truly great ones have learned to find a silver lining in every fat smelly old guy that walks through the door. As far a list of women that fit that bill, I don't think I know of anyone working now that I would recommend. Originally Posted by Bob McV
First, the girl DOES have to love sex...and there are more than a few Hoogars who are just putting on a show for the money only.

Second, there has to be a spark of interest...she needs to find you attractive (or at least not looking or smelling like a troll). My date last night during the middle of the action said "Oh you smell so good"...that surprised me, but it told me that it was important part of generating true passion. (Honey & lemon soap & a small spray of Polo green).

I've been with girls on here that some raved about their IOP and I found them less so. Could be the reviewer was lying, could be we just didn't have that much chemistry.

So, agreeing with Bob...its a YMMV kind of thing. If she likes you, finds you funny, or not grotesque, then that's the first clue...beyond that, what do YOU do to help her feel passionate?

Lying there and saying "suck my beeg cawk" doesn't generate excitement in most women....just sayin'