There ARE quality girl on Backpage. Just need to look close

69Goat's Avatar
LOL!! I guess outcalls are not on the menu.
moebeedick's Avatar
Wow... Speechless...
John4229's Avatar
Well, you did say "quality" ... just not what kind of quality
SpursFan's Avatar
She lives up to the "Keep Austin Weird" motto...

Samcro84's Avatar
Look as close as you want I will not take a chance on BP girls. No way to vouch or know a lot about them. Plus LE uses BP to bust guys like me that buys pussy on regular basis
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Don't be shy.
I'm not shy. I'm TERRIFIED!
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
You're kidding us, right?
Exithere's Avatar

Check out the ankle bracket!!! LOL Originally Posted by tonyvicksa
Gotta pay those probation fees somehow. LOL
blaktygre's Avatar think i will pass on that..
Brings new meaning to conjugal visit.
levi tab's Avatar
So that's not an ankle holster?...