"I'll release my tax returns when ..."

Yssup Rider's Avatar

BIg Lie number TWO!

Now that the election is settled and the inauguration is behind him, Herr Twitler has issued yet another FUCK YOU to America.

He won't be releasing his tax returns. Period.

Must have had a few Russian pee parties on a credit card...

Winning now, girls and boys?
gfejunkie's Avatar
What part of "Trump won, Clinton lost" do you not understand?
What part of "Trump won, Clinton lost" do you not understand? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Trump winning is not the issue. The matter of keeping one word is. He says Hillary lied. Well by not releasing his returns so did he. Just one of many times trump goes back o, his word.
nuglet's Avatar
Remember the old joke line::: "Don't piss in my ear and tell me it's raining"? Well, trump turns it on its' head.. "It didn't rain, I think that was someone pissing in my ear". He had the nerve to claim there was no rain during his ceremony , yet you could see the water beading up on his lapel and the military boys were passing out umbrellas to everyone on the podium.. He's told so many lies that even HE doesn't remember the truth.. it's gonna be fun I tell ya! Especially Kelly's line.... "it's alternate facts".. as a kid, I knew the consequences of telling Mom or Dad an "alternate" truth/fact.. there was a butt whuppin' fixing to happen.
There is no such thing as "alternative facts" , it's a fact or it's a lie.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I'm sure that it's real high on his priority list. Like making sure the bust of MLK is still in the Oval Office.

Important stuff.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I'm sure that it's real high on his priority list. Like making sure the bust of MLK is still in the Oval Office.

Important stuff. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Actually this one is rather important because by not doing so it begs the question "Why won't he release his tax returns?" It's like someone at trial pleading the 5th Amendment. The first thought that crosses your mind is what is he hiding by refusing to answer the question?

This doesn't have to be high on his priority list. Just tell someone "Release them" and it's done. Issue closed.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
His supporters will do and say ANYTHING to avoid this issue. (See: "Trump won, Clinton lost" i.e. Truth, integrity or any other standard we would expect of any president no longer matters, simply because he "won")
nuglet's Avatar
He (trump) seems to love to brag about how much $$$$$ money he's got, but he SURE is reticent to disclose HOW he got it.. I actually don't care, but as was pointed out about the "5th amendment" comment, now that he's hiding the info,,, we WANT to know.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What part of "Trump won, Clinton lost" do you not understand? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
What part of "lying cocksucker" do you not understand?

Twitler's henchmen and he himself repeatedly promised to release his returns.

He piled a shit ton of paper on a table (before he attacked the media for a change) to prove he was clean, though nobody got a look at any of them. At least I sure didn't.

Now he releases a single line statement affirming he's resigned from "hundreds" of businesses with which he was previously affiliated in advance of the ethics lawsuit that is coming down as we speak.

I don't give a shit how much money he has. I do give a shit that people are saying "he won, it's over." And, as usual, his faithful give him a pass on something that they never would have given to President Obama, or the candidate who was chosen by an overwhelming plurality of voters. Shit, they wouldn't have given that much to Mittens.

He won. But this ain't over.

Well was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm sure that it's real high on his priority list. Like making sure the bust of MLK is still in the Oval Office.

Important stuff. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Or how many people came to his inauguration?

BTW -- still got your guns, GFE(forbiddentopic)?
lustylad's Avatar
Actually this one is rather important because by not doing so it begs the question "Why won't he release his tax returns?" It's like someone at trial pleading the 5th Amendment. The first thought that crosses your mind is what is he hiding by refusing to answer the question?

This doesn't have to be high on his priority list. Just tell someone "Release them" and it's done. Issue closed. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I don't blame him for not releasing them. The answer to your question is simple - there's no upside, only downside if he does. All those Trump-haters would pounce on his tax returns looking for items to spin and distort to make him look bad. The average American doesn't understand depreciation or loss carry-forwards, and the media fucktards would take full advantage of this ignorance. Let me turn the question around - why should Trump give his enemies something they will only use to demagogue, distort and lie about him?

Given all the IRS audits he has undergone, we would already know if he had cheated or done anything illegal on his taxes.
I wish he would release his tax returns. It would put some folks minds at ease. Personally, the man is so wealthy that I don't see any surprises in there.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
I wish he would release his tax returns. It would put some folks minds at ease. Personally, the man is so wealthy that I don't see any surprises in there. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
We need more Republicans to get behind what is actually a nonpartisan attempt at transparency and avoiding conflict of interest. Even Republican congressmen want him to release his tax returns.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
<waiting for gfe(forbiddentopic) "intellectual" response>
And we all know how impossible it is to govern without making one's tax returns public.